喬舒瓦的生活本來再簡單不過, 蝙蝠俠 、忍者龜就是他的全部。但是一天早晨,也就是他升上五年級的第一天,喬舒瓦醒來便驚覺不該再浪費時光。而他摯愛祖父的去世,更讓他對生命產生了很多的疑問。周遭的人包括父母、老師都無法給他滿意的答案,於是喬舒瓦決定繼續問人所不敢問,以一己之力幫助別人記住生命中的初體驗!一場場浪漫又神秘的冒險將帶給你笑中有淚的感動。
6.0 七個秘書 特別篇
2.0 山鷹之歌2012
2012 劇情簡介: Soo-ha leaves the city and goes to the roadside rest stop inherited from her father. The rest stop, however, is losing business as much as Soo-ha’s life is losing vitality. Because of a new road, few people pass this way and there are two employees who don’t really fit in. Even worse, her brother comes and passes his partial ownership to her and leaves his daughter behind. As Soo-ha gradually wears down, a South American band ‘Kawsay’ drops by the rest stop in the middle of their trip. Soo-ha welcomes them thinking they might attract more visitors. -
4.0 香檳的一年
5.0 八月十五
5.0 布萊頓驚魂
4.0 大奧 最終章