6.0 吸血鬼生活第四季
9.0 說出你的秘密
2021 美國簡介:已完成拍攝卻慘遭華納遺棄的《說出你的秘密 Tell Me Your Secret》由Amazon接手,2021年播出。 這部女性主導的10集心理驚悚劇由Harriet Warner執筆。劇集圍繞三名角色展開,每個人都有著神秘而不安的過往。Lily Rabe飾演Emma,曾直視過某個危險殺手,她剛剛坐了三年牢被釋放,有一個作為保護的新身份,想忘記與殺手糾纏的過去;Hamish Linklater飾演John,曾經是一名連環案實施者,如今迫切想要尋找救贖;Amy Brenneman飾演Mary,執迷於找到失蹤多年的女兒,被定型為「悲傷母親」。隨著他們被推至邊緣,「受害者」和「犯罪者」之間的分界線開始變得模糊。此外,Enrique Murciano將扮演Peter Guillory,一個看似心懷好意的心理治療師。 卡司還包括Stella Baker、Ell... -
3.0 婚禮季
2.0 美國恐怖故事集第二季
6.0 悸樂園
2022 美國簡介:After his parents mysteriously disappeared eight years ago, young Eric Dalaras embarks on a search for the truth and enters a frightening world. He and his sister Uma grew up with their maternal grandparents. Eric decides to leave his homeland to return to the place of his childhood, Cabo Qwert, where he wants to look for answers at the Tierra Incógnita horror amusement park, s... -
4.0 瑕疵品第一季
2022 美國簡介:A Coming of Rage story coming to Netflix in 2022. Three twenty somethings were turned into monsters by evil scientists against their will. Now they’re on the hunt for the mad-man responsible in hopes of reversing the side-effects… but also they’re being chased by a government agency, dealing with college applications, teenage romance, random monster mutations, and all of sorts ...