Marie Richardson leads the star ensemble in a heart-warming homage to all mothers, reminding us that it’s never too late for a fresh start in life. All the old friends are invited to Karin (Richardson) and Sten’s (Björn Kjellman) celebration of their 40th wedding anniversary. But after a dirty text message and some failed acrobatic stunts on the balcony, the idyll has both cracked and ended up in the emergency room. Karin is forced to straighten out her back and realizes that she has spent her life taking care of her family without getting as much as a thank you. Together with her friends from the swimming pool, she finds new vitality at a weekly cooking class, where Peter Stormare’s star chef opens up for exciting new taste sensations. Tuesday Club is a well-acted and inspiring paean to struggling women, mature passion, and Asian cuisine.
7.0 克隆丈夫
2011 愛情簡介:瑞貝卡回到了童年生活過的臨海小鎮,在那裏,住著一個她無論如何也要見到的人——兒時玩伴托馬斯曾經的懵懂少年如今已經成長為男人,兩人之間迅速的產生了奇妙的化學反應。沒過多久,一場車禍奪走了托馬斯的生命,悲痛欲絕的瑞貝卡做出了一個危險的決定——利用當代先進的基因克隆技術,複製托馬斯的基因。十個月之後,一個名叫托馬斯的嬰兒呱呱墜地,作為生下他的母親,瑞貝卡的心情十分複雜。在托馬斯的眼中,母親是一個即神秘又極具魅力的女人,在她驚人的美貌裏,隱藏著的是深深的哀愁和絕望,而她望向自己的眼神,也似乎包含了千言萬語。紙終究包不住火,隨著托馬斯的漸漸長大,那個不能說的秘密也在逐漸的顯影,待到真相被揭露的那一天,這兩個痛苦的人該何去何從? -
5.0 靚女差館(粵語)
8.0 開羅紫玫瑰
1985 愛情簡介:三十年代美國經濟大蕭條,市麵上一片荒蕪家庭主婦Cecilia白天應對沉悶的服務生工作(由於經濟崩潰,很快也失去這份工作),晚上麵對毫無情趣的丈夫。身為狂熱影迷的她日日走進影院觀看一部叫《開羅紫羅蘭》的電影,熟習到連台詞表情都能記住,電影裏沒有經濟蕭條,電影裏是上流社會的宴席與取樂。這日奇怪的事發生了,戲裏麵的男主角Tom從熒幕上走了下來!直接走到Cecilia麵前,和她私奔。而電影裏的人物也跟著議論紛紛,劇情不按劇情走,而變成了討論會。Cecilia與Tom去遊樂園,互訴衷情,雖然一開始很浪漫,但後來發現這並不能填飽肚子,男主角Tom在現實中的扮演者Gil也出現了,同樣為了奪得Cecilia芳心與Tom展開比拚決鬥。這個荒謬的鬧劇將會如何結束?走進戲院觀看電影的確會讓人暫時忘懷現實世界的不快 -
8.0 公主上錯身
1.0 瘋狂妖計劃
5.0 瘋狗與格拉瑞小姐