9.0 血腥大法官[電影解說]
9.0 飛來豔福[電影解說]
1983 電影解說簡介: 其貌不揚的裏昂(保羅·維拉喬 Paolo Villaggio 飾)是一名玩具推銷員,在一次偶然中,裏昂誤打誤撞的闖入了銀行搶劫的現場,不僅如此,他還鬼使神差的將載有巨額贓款的劫匪所駕駛的車輛給開走了。羅斯塔(奧內拉·穆蒂 Ornella Muti 飾)有著高度近視,離開了眼鏡生活幾乎不能自理,可那一天,她偏偏就丟了眼鏡,在一片迷蒙之中上了裏昂所駕駛的賊車,兩人莫名其妙的就踏上了逃往的旅途。 一路上,裏昂和羅斯塔曆經艱險,被各路人士追殺,屢屢徘徊在死亡的邊緣,最終,一位善良的軍官將兩人救了下來,當裏昂看見羅斯塔和軍官眉來眼去情投意合後,失望而又傷心的他選擇了默默的離開。 -
8.0 不可觸及1971[電影解說]
8.0 膚如凝脂的安吉拉[電影解說]
4.0 激狂雨林[電影解說]
1993 電影解說簡介: Kreola arrives in Santa Domingo to join her photographer husband Andy. Although Andy is initially jealous of Marco, who is in town looking for his missing girlfriend who did not return from Santa Domingo with her coworkers after a girls getaway. When Kreola and Andy site the missing girl Iris in the company of their gruff, dominating sea captain Leon, Andy suggests Kreola distract him so that Marco has a chance of getting Iris back. Kreola scoffs at this but eventually does fall under Leon's spell. Andy's writer friend Jo Ann blames the island atmosphere for the tendency for puritanical Westerners to reject their inhibitions. When Andy and Marco cannot free their women from Leon's influence, things get drastic. -
9.0 壞女人1984[電影解說]