

  Eight friends, all in stable relationships, venture into a game of sexual discovery by exchanging couples while trying to free themselves from their daily routines and add a spice to their love lives.


  • 我為喜劇狂第四季 9.0 我為喜劇狂第四季
    2009 美國
    簡介:片名《30 Rock》,是NBC總部洛克菲勒中心的簡稱。本片虛構了一個NBC的節目The Girlie Show,講述的就是這個節目製作團隊,台前幕後的種種趣事。《30 Rock》陣容極其強大,同NBC電視台的王牌喜劇節目《周末夜現場》一個製作班底,周末夜現場的首席編劇Tina Fey傾情加盟,不但是本片的製作人、編劇,同時還扮演女主角。另有老帥哥Alec Baldwin,黑人明星Tracy Morgan。本片在紐約實景拍攝,沒有外星人吸血鬼,也沒有飛車追逐大爆炸,有的隻是淺顯易懂的對白,陽光燦爛,輕鬆愉悅,絕不會浪費你的半小時時間。
  • 我為喜劇狂第五季 9.0 我為喜劇狂第五季
    2010 美國
  • 我為喜劇狂第六季 6.0 我為喜劇狂第六季
    2012 美國
    簡介:The sixth season of 30 Rock, an American television comedy series on the NBC network in the United States, began airing on January www. 5233tv.com  Rock was renewed for a sixth season by NBC on November 15, 2010.[4] The season began airing mid-season to accommodate Tina Fey's pregnancy. On November 14, 2011, NBC announced that 30 Rock would return at the new time of 8:00 pm.   Th...
  • 我為喜劇狂第七季 5.0 我為喜劇狂第七季
    2012 美國
    簡介:E01 "The Beginning of the End"  Liz is shocked by the poor quality of the programming Jack has planned for the fall. Jenna asks Liz to be her bridesmaid. Hazel and Kenneth invite Tracy to a dinner party.
  • 巴瑞第三季 10.0 巴瑞第三季
    2022 美國
    簡介:HBO的《#巴裏# Barry》第二季才播了兩集,不過電視台已宣布續訂這部贏了艾美獎的喜劇第三季。
  • 小魔嬰 3.0 小魔嬰
    2022 美國
    簡介:When 38-year-old Natasha is unexpectedly landed with a baby, her life of doing what she wants, when she wants, dramatically implodes. Controlling, manipulative and with violent powers, the baby twists Natasha’s life into a horror show. Where does it come from? What does it want? And what lengths will Natasha have to go to in order to get her life back? She doesn’t want a baby. ...


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