1.0 鯊魚俠1994[電影解說]
1994 電影解說簡介: Street Sharks is an American animated television series about crime-fighting half-man/half-sharks similar to the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. It was produced by DIC Entertainment from 1994 to 1995. Later in 1996 the Street Sharks teamed up with the Dino Vengers (an early and vastly different-in-origin incarnation of the Extreme Dinosaurs) and the show became Street Sharks and the Dino Vengers. Like a number of children's cartoons, it was created to promote an existing Mattel toy line of the same name[1], created by toy maven David Siegel and writer/creative director, Joe Galliani of Mr. Joe's Really Big Productions[2]. In the first episode, a university professor named Dr. Paradigm tested his gene-manipulation techniques on a marlin and a lobster. Dr. Bolton, a fellow professor, attempted to destroy Paradigm's research, and was transformed into an inhuman monstrosity by the evil scientist before escaping. Paradigm later kidnapped Bolton's four sons — John, Bobby, Coop, and Clint — to transform them into sharks. As soon as they transformed, the four brothers ate a hotdog stand, and fled from the police by diving into a lake and burrowing their way into the city by eating the dirt. The brothers planned to capture Paradigm so that they could force him to return them to their human selves and expose Paradigm's genetic experiments. In subsequent episodes, Paradigm began to convince the residents of Fission City that the Street Sharks (as they became known) were vicious, deadly killers who were mutated by their father, Dr. Bolton. The brothers teamed up every episode to stop Paradigm and his deadly Seaviates from transforming the citizens of Fission City into mutants with no free will. One of the characters' favorite catchphrases was "Jawsome", and their favorite food consists of hamburgers and french fries (although they're capable of eating just about anything - even if it's not food). The brothers have also expressed an obvious and very vocal dislike for pizza, an indirect acknowledgement toward the Ninja Turtles, whose image is well-known for being built around pizza. -
9.0 安娜2019[電影解說]
2019 電影解說簡介: 20世紀80年代末,蘇聯情報機構克格勃迎來了新一任掌門人瓦西列夫(艾力克·高敦 Eric Godon 飾)。隨著他的上任,克格勃和美國中央情報局CIA的諜戰平衡被打破,諸多潛伏蘇聯的CIA探員被捕,局勢分外緊張。在此大環境下,軍人後代安娜(薩莎·露絲 Sasha Luss 飾)卻過著頹廢墮落的生活。當處於人生最低點時,她被招募進了克格勃。憑借出眾的外貌以及卓越的領悟力,安娜很快成為一名出色幹練的特工。此後的歲月裏,她如同一台無情的殺人機器,按照組織的命令處決了一個又一個目標。但是在安娜的內心最深處,她時刻渴望重新獲得自由。 遺憾的是瓦西列夫決不允許有任何一名克格勃活著退出組織,在絕望之際,安娜的命運走到了十字路口…… -
4.0 高空求生[電影解說]
2020 電影解說簡介: Two sisters living separate lives on different continents are reunited on a Mediterranean Island. The two barely have time to bond and revive family ties as Kate, the elder, meets a group of locals and agrees to an exciting ride on a hot air balloon. But disaster strikes and as the result of a freak accident, the balloon is carried far out to sea. Their cell phoness out of range, and the balloon running out of gas, Kate and her friends are battling for their lives. While, back on land, the younger sister, Liz, has become an unwanted "material witness" to a crime. Matters then take a dramatic twist, one that will mark their lives forever. -
8.0 白色嚴冬[電影解說]
3.0 複製嬌妻2004[電影解說]
2004 電影解說簡介: 當從曼哈頓搬到高尚住宅區斯戴佛之後,喬安娜(妮可•基德曼 飾)與丈夫(馬修•布羅德裏克 飾)都準備好了新生活的開始。喬安娜本想打好與鄰居之間的關係,可是一眾鄰居太太的性格都將近完美,讓喬安娜感到她們都無法靠近。這群有錢的太太中隻有一名叫芭比的太太例外,她是喬安娜眼中的正常人,她倆也成為了好友。 其他太太們每天都忙著照顧自己的丈夫,對丈夫言聽計從。喬安娜與芭比都感到十分好奇,為何鄰居太太們似乎沒有自己的脾氣與喜好。 於是她們決定一查究竟,調查結果讓她們驚訝不已,有錢的男人竟然把自己的太太變成了機器人,以求他們的妻子都千依百順。這些一半人類一半機器的太太們背後有著“公開的秘密”,這樣的黑手,也逐漸伸向喬安娜與芭比,她們將如何應對呢? -
7.0 毀滅之路[電影解說]