Khun Nueng, M.L. Sipakorn, is a stunning woman who grows up under her grandmother’s pressure and upbringing. She’s never been allowed to be herself and has never met someone she could feel loved or worthy of. That is, until she meets a young girl with beautiful eyes and a cute appearance, Anueng. Anueng is cheerful and bright, but beneath her smiling face lies hidden sadness in her eyes. Nevertheless, she makes Khun Nueng’s heart flutter like never before. However, the 16-year age difference, family objections, and societal norms refuse to accept their love.
7.0 我親愛的失敗者之青春
4.0 傾心相印特別篇
7.0 灰色彩虹
2.0 對手的心國語
2015 泰國簡介: 馬文(塔萬·素裏亞傑 Thanwa Suriyajak 飾)是銜著金湯匙出生的千金大少爺,老爸經營著日進鬥金的公司,老媽則活躍於當地的上流社交圈之中。雖然馬文成長的歲月裏什麽物質方麵的東西都不缺,但是他目睹老爸對婚姻不忠,老媽又視財如命虛榮無比,這導致馬文也成長為了一個將金錢看得十分重要,動不動就瞧不起別人的高傲男人。 這一天,馬文邂逅了名叫普立邁(安莎達彭·斯莉瓦塔娜功 Ausadaporn Siriwattanakul 飾)的女子。普立邁出生在貧窮的家庭之中,其實是馬文最瞧不起的那類人,但奇怪的是,普立邁的身上卻充滿了溫暖的正能量,每一天都過得很開心,這讓馬文百思不得其解。在相處的過程中,馬文逐漸的在普立邁身上學習到了人生的奧義,兩人之間也產生了感情。 -
6.0 歪愛時代
10.0 一年生2