In this sequel to Code 8, Connor (Robbie Amell) is out of prison and working as a janitor at a community center, having cut ties with his former criminal associate Garrett (Stephen Amell). Connor’s attempt at staying out of trouble is destroyed when he’s forced to help 14-year-old Pav (Sirena Gulamgaus) escape from a pack of corrupt officers led by Sergeant King (Alex Mallari Jr.). King uses the newly launched robotic K9’s to track Pav down, while Connor finds himself once again reaching out to Garrett and his crew for help, but can he trust the man who landed him in prison in the first place?
7.0 極盜者國語
6.0 馬永貞之閘北決
2.0 馬路英雄2非法賽車
7.0 龍虎金剛
1.0 梨花錯
9.0 獵殺
2011 動作簡介:Lucas Davenport (Mark Harmon扮演),曾是美國明尼阿波利斯市警局副警長,如今卻是一家電腦公司的合夥人,當 Davenport 還是警察的時候原本可以早早退休並享受安逸的晚年生活,但猶如男人對香車美女癡迷那樣,Davenport依舊熱愛著當警察的這份事業,真正退休後還不忘關注著警局發生任何動向;直到一宗離奇案件發生後,Davenport被再次召回警局,這起案件源於一個警察在目睹當地一位房地產法律顧問的妻子被害後自己也離奇被害身亡;於是整個警局立即組織刑事組偵破此案,被害人的丈夫那位房地產法律顧問首先成為嫌犯,而當一群來自FBI特工的調查組 (Davenport稱他們為“低能兒”) 的介入使得案情變得更加撲朔迷離,根據FBI特工提供的線索,案件幕後主使者被鎖定一個叫Clara Rinker (Tatiana Maslany扮演)...