波西·傑克遜(沃克·斯科貝爾 飾)要接受自己半人半神身份所帶來的使命,阻止一場可能會改變世界的諸神之戰。
2.0 紅鷹第七季
3.0 籠中比翼鳥
10.0 大人物第二季
6.0 說唱王戴夫第二季
7.0 阿加莎·瑞森探案集第二季
9.0 阿加莎·瑞森探案集第三季
2019 美國簡介:Agatha opens her own detective agency, but potential clients aren’t exactly breaking down the door of her new office. In search of new business, Agatha and James visit Ivy Hall, a house said to be haunted since the English Civil War. Are the strange sounds and unexplained footsteps heard...