《王冠 第一季》劇情簡介
伊麗莎白公主(克萊爾·福伊飾)與希臘王室成員菲利普(馬特·史密斯飾)結婚,5年後,溫斯頓·丘吉爾(約翰·利特高飾)成為英國首相,而喬治六世(傑瑞德·哈裏斯飾)因病逝世,傳王位於伊麗莎白二世,從麵對英國王室紛繁複雜的家庭、社會瑣事,以及在諸多事務中,伊麗莎白二世慢慢地從妻 子到女王的身份轉變曆程中成長。後來,與首相丘吉爾聯手重塑大英帝國 。
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2023 歐美簡介:Written by Michael Hirst, this series is an epic romantic adventure based on the life of famous American outlaw Billy the Kid, also known as William H. Bonney — from his humble Irish roots, to his early days as a cowboy and gunslinger in the American frontier, to his pivotal role in the Lincoln County War and beyond. -
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