Four best friends on the brink of starting middle school, realize their lives are about to change forever. So on the last weekend of summer, they set out to make the most of it.
1.0 茶館
1982 劇情簡介:世紀之交,古老的中國正迎來前所未有的巨大變革。老態龍鍾的大清王朝搖搖欲墜,六君子的鮮血無法阻止曆史車輪的滾動,老北京城的上空風雲變幻,波譎雲詭。王利發(於是之 飾),北京城內裕泰茶館的年輕掌櫃。他謹記父親的教誨,體麵周全地迎送四方賓客。小小的茶館內,三教九流各色人等穿梭於此:提籠架鳥哀歎時運的鬆二爺(黃宗洛 飾);慨歎國之將亡的剛毅滿人常四爺(鄭榕 飾);一心謀求實業救國的秦仲義(藍天野 飾);喪盡天良買賣人口的劉麻子(英若誠 飾);打算娶老婆的龐太監(童超 飾)……你方唱罷我登場,小小茶館之內演盡世間的滄桑與淒涼…… 本片根據老舍同名原著改編,並1983年第3屆中國電影金雞獎特別獎、文化部1982年優秀影片獎特別獎。 -
5.0 茶香
5.0 草原上的男孩
4.0 草原上的薩日朗
9.0 草豎琴
1995 劇情簡介:After his mother's death, Collin Fenwick goes to live with his father's cousins, the wealthy, avaricious, and controlling Verena Talbo, and her compliant, earthy sister Dolly. When a city slicker comes to town and convinces Verena to market Dolly's locally-famous tonic, Dolly finally gets some backbone, refuses to divulge the formula, and heads for a tree house with Collin and ... -
7.0 荒原狼