The film centers around a girl who inherits a miniature horse that develops an unlikely friendship with her half-sister's Jack Russell Terrier, who takes to riding on the horse's back.
5.0 最後一次尋寶
2015 劇情簡介:Oliver and Lucy Sinclair were raised on treasure hunts. Their father would hold a hunt each year, sending his children gallivanting around the house and island to find hidden prizes and secrets. But, like all children do, Oliver and Lucy grew up. After a year of estrangement, their eccentric father unexpectedly passes away, and the two siblings journey back home to put his affa... -
9.0 80'後
2009 劇情簡介:80’後女孩沈星辰(劉冬 飾)自小家庭不幸,母親與人私奔,父親因此車禍死亡,她從小寄居舅舅家。80’後男孩明遠(黃明 飾)小時候曾和沈星辰家是鄰居,明遠父母私下從事走私,明遠父親扛下一切入獄,得知明遠母親跟了別人後在獄中自殺,給明遠的內心帶來重創。數年後,升至高中的沈星辰和明遠被分在同一個班級,兒時的友誼發生了微妙的轉變。然而,各自家庭的不幸讓兩人背負著巨大的心靈創傷,渴望被愛卻不懂得如何愛人,關於“愛”與“生命”的思考,也在兩人的分分合合中延續。 本片改編自網絡小說《天長地久》,曾獲東京國際電影節大獎提名。導演李芳芳16歲時曾寫出青春小說《十七歲不哭》,同名電視劇在當年引起全國中學生熱烈追捧。 -
3.0 9600萬雙眼睛
5.0 一個警察局長對共和國檢察官的自白
2.0 一個陌生人的電話
9.0 一雲道長之鏡靈