賀新(劉德華 飾)本生於買辦之家,從小生活優裕,然而父親一次投資失敗導致家道中落,賀新與母親從此受盡白眼,而他也隻有靠努力學習來改變境遇,賀新在校期間與同學程樂兒(王祖賢 飾)交好,可麵對富家子情敵的挑釁他隻有隱忍。1941年,日本入侵香港,賀新與好友阿南(萬梓良 飾) 奔赴澳門,二人在碼頭做苦力被經理王昌(秦沛 飾)算計,但因成功擊退地痞保衛碼頭,他們進入外籍主管阿方索入住,此間賀新對阿方索的私生女兒阿妹(邱淑貞 飾)一見鍾情。賀新出計策打敗了賭場的“聽骰客”,又做成了私貨生意,得以在澳門賭場大哥傅老喳門下出頭,踏上賭城大亨之路……
3.0 五月雪
10.0 誤判
6.0 五分錢男孩
3.0 穿越無盡的海洋前往月球
1.0 暗夜之魂
9.0 黎塞留
2023 劇情簡介:Arine’s difficult financial situation forces her to return to her hometown, where she takes a job interpreting between a farm’s seasonal workers from Guatemala and their Canadian employers. Although she is supposed to remain impartial, when she repeatedly witnesses the migrant workers’ mistreatment, she cannot remain silent. She may possibly be the only person who sees them as ...