Several of Korea's most acclaimed filmmakers, including Park Chan-wook (OLDBOY), explore the nature of discrimination in this provocative anthology.
8.0 翻天覆地龍鳳配
3.0 翻轉的玻璃杯
2.0 耀武揚威
1989 劇情簡介:Nick and Frank Starkey were both policemen. A scandal forced Nick to leave the force, now a serial killer has driven the police to take him back. A web that includes Frank's wife, bribery, and corruption all are in the background as Nick tries to uncover the secret of where the killer will strike next, and finally must lay a trap without the police. -
3.0 老七
1.0 老人與小孩
9.0 老人與海
1999 劇情簡介:本片重現了海明威著名小說《老人與海》的精彩情節。聖地亞哥是一位經驗豐富的老漁夫,與名叫馬洛林的小男孩是忘年交。在八十四天沒有捕到魚之後,一日,兩人相約出海。那天運氣極好的兩人很快就釣到了一條巨大的大馬林魚。原以為能就此返航的兩人沒想到捕獲的大魚卻引來了鯊魚的圍攻,猛烈的進攻似乎咄咄逼人般脅迫聖地亞哥放棄到手的大魚。而老漁夫也並沒有示弱。即便一條肥美的大魚最後隻被鯊魚啃食得隻剩骨架,聖地亞哥也沒有放棄這條來之不易的大魚。 本片由俄羅斯動畫導演亞曆山大·彼得洛夫執導,通過定格動畫的形式以令人驚訝的流暢性榮獲2000年奧斯卡最佳動畫短片獎、克羅地亞薩格勒布動畫節、聖彼得堡國際電影節等各大獎項。