政府不顧民意反對,執意要將古老寧靜的小鎮變作一家大型化工廠的所在地,並言如此可以大大增加就業機會。有豐富企業管理經驗、對黨忠誠的Stefan Bednarz(Franciszek Pieczka)被任命著手這一切。小鎮是Bednarz和妻子(Halina Winiarska)的故鄉,兩人多年前曾因一起事件離開,今Bednarz要妻子同去,被拒。
工廠建成之初,雖有居民抗議政府的暴行,但一切還算順利。投入生產後,之前居民擔憂的環境會日益糟糕等問題凸顯,政府與居民的關係開始緊張,Bednarz做中間協調人幾近憔悴。而電視台導演(Michal Tarkowski)對工廠的持續關注、助手(Jerzy Stuhr)將居民意見刻意過濾、被迫與當年迫使他和妻子遠離故鄉的舊敵搭檔工作、女兒(Joanna Orzeszkowska)的漸行漸遠等事情,則令他慢慢明白自己...
1.0 阿黛爾·雨果的故事
1975 劇情簡介:美國內戰時期,法國大作家Victor Hugo的二女兒Adele Hugo(伊莎貝爾·阿佳妮 Isabelle Adjani飾)漂洋過海來到加拿大的Halifax尋找自己的愛人——英國軍官Pinson(布魯斯·羅賓遜 Bruce Robinson)。然而Pinson卻已移情別戀,對Adele異常冷漠。Adele想盡一切方法想挽回Pinson皆告失敗。而另一方麵,當地高昂的生活費也讓Adele難以承受,隻能一次又一次要求父親匯錢。此時的Hugo正流亡在一個小島上,妻子病重,兩人多次希望Adele能返回家中,但Adele堅持留在加拿大。戀情的失敗讓Adele經常想起她溺水身亡的姐姐,她的精神開始變得錯亂。之後,Pinson跟著部隊離開Halifax前往另一個小島Barbados,Adele也跟隨而去,在那裏,她的病情日益惡化,最終被送回法國,在休養院裏度... -
1.0 陸地空穀
4.0 陣雨
7.0 階級關係
2.0 阻止
2021 劇情簡介:Quién lo impide is a call to change our perception of adolescents and youths; our idea of those born in the early 21st century who have recently reached adulthood; those who now seem guilty of everything as they themselves see their hopes dashed. Somewhere between documentary, fiction and pure testimonial record, the young adolescents show themselves the way they really are, th... -
7.0 阿麗瑪
2019 劇情簡介:ARIMA It is the story of four women and a girl who- se existence is disrupted by the sudden arrival of two strangers. One of them is fleeing from the other, sneaking around town like an elusive being, a ghostly presence of uncertain existence. The other character --an injured man carrying a gun-- will disrupt the women's way of life in different ways. The whole plot takes place...