A year after her murder, the police re-open the case of Yvonne Harrison when they receive an anonymous letter implicating a burglar, Harry Repp, who is about to be released from prison. Supt. Strange assigns the case to DS Lewis, who is chafing at the bit awaiting his promotion to Inspector. Morse has been ill and has only just returned to work. He steps on Lewis' toes by invol...
1.0 小查與寇弟的頂級生活第二季
2006 美國簡介:一對十二歲的雙胞胎男孩 Zack(Dylan Sprouse)和Cody(Cole Sprouse)還有他們的媽媽是這所波斯頓高檔Tipton酒店的長期住客。在這裏,他們認識了新朋友London(Brenda Song)和Maddie(Ashley Tisdale)。Zack和Cody接二連三的惡作劇把Tipton旅館變成了他們的遊樂場。在搞笑、搗蛋、引發混亂的同時,也帶著London和 Maddie瘋了一回。 Outrageous shenanigans ensue when 12-year-old twin boys Zack (Dylan Sprouse) and Cody (Cole Sprouse) turn the upscale Boston hotel where they live (The Tipton) into their o... -
7.0 小查與寇弟的頂級生活第三季
2007 美國簡介:一對十二歲的雙胞胎男孩 Zack(Dylan Sprouse)和Cody(Cole Sprouse)還有他們的媽媽是這所波斯頓高檔Tipton酒店的長期住客。在這裏,他們認識了新朋友London(Brenda Song)和Maddie(Ashley Tisdale)。Zack和Cody接二連三的惡作劇把Tipton旅館變成了他們的遊樂場。在搞笑、搗蛋、引發混亂的同時,也帶著London和 Maddie瘋了一回。 Outrageous shenanigans ensue when 12-year-old twin boys Zack (Dylan Sprouse) and Cody (Cole Sprouse) turn the upscale Boston hotel where they live (The Tipton) into their o... -
9.0 小查和寇弟的遊輪生活第一季
2008 美國簡介:The Suite Life on Deck is a sequel/spin-off of the Disney Channel Original Series The Suite Life of Zack & Cody. The series follows twin brothers Zack and Cody Martin and hotel heiress London Tipton in a new setting, the S.S. Tipton, where they attend classes at "Seven Seas High" and meet Bailey Pickett while Mr. Moseby manages the ship. The ship travels around the world to cou... -
4.0 蕭牆暗鬥第一季
2017 美國簡介:加拿大City原創劇集《Bad Blood》根據加拿大最有影響力的黑手黨家族唯一幸存的成員、加拿大黑手黨教父Vito Rizzuto的生平故事改編,主要素材來源於暢銷書《Business or Blood: Mafia Boss Vito Rizzuto’s Last War》。Vito Rizzuto原本是蒙特利爾犯罪世界中的一個另類,他是唯一能讓蒙特利爾各大犯罪幫派保持和平的人,也是一個持「首席執行官」身份公開活動的人。1981年,Vito Rizzuto突然遭到逮捕並被關進了戒備森嚴的科羅拉多超級監獄,罪名是謀殺三名Bonanno家族成員。他隻能無助地看著自己興盛一時的黑手黨帝國土崩瓦解,他最親密的朋友和家人一個接一個被神秘謀殺。2012年10月他從監獄獲釋後,立刻展開莎士比亞作品式的複仇行動,最終他最親密的盟友和他自己全都喪了命。該劇的故事元... -
1.0 消消氣第十季
10.0 消消氣第十一季