人頭攢動的火車站裏,一名男子的身影顯得格外突兀,男子名叫傑尼(吉姆·羅斯·斯圖爾特 Kim Rossi Stuart 飾),此刻,他正焦慮又激動的等待著他素未謀麵的兒子保羅(安德烈·羅西 Andrea Rossi 飾)。保羅天生帶有殘疾,傑尼此次的目的就是帶領保羅去接受更好的治療。
父親這個頭銜帶來的沉重壓力讓傑尼一時之間無法適應,而乖巧的保羅則在這種時刻中扮演起了安慰和照顧他的角色,這讓傑尼十分寬慰。在醫院裏,傑尼結識了和自己境遇相同的女人妮可(夏洛特·蘭普林 Charlotte Rampling 飾),後者給予了他很大的幫助。為了進一步拉近自己和保羅之間的距離,兩人決定踏上旅程,在旅程的終點,隱藏著保羅的心願。
7.0 海藍時見鯨
8.0 海角樂園
10.0 海豚之日
1973 劇情簡介:Dr Jake Terrell, who has been training a pair of dolphins for many years, has had a breakthrough. He has taught his dolphins to speak and understand English, although they do have a limited vocabulary. When the dolphins are stolen, he discovers they're to be used in an assassination attempt. Now he is in a race to discover who is the target, and where the dolphins are, before t... -
10.0 海豚的故事
2.0 海豚踢
7.0 海邊畫家