該劇根據《大小謊言》作者莉安·莫裏亞蒂同名新書改編,大衛·E·凱利(《大小謊言》)、約翰-亨利·巴特沃斯([明日邊緣])共同操刀劇本,並運作劇集,妮可·基德曼主演並擔任劇集執行製片人。故事講述在一家以治愈和令人轉變為目標的精品健康度假村裏,九位在城市中飽受壓力困擾的居民來到這裏向 往一種更好的生活方式。在為期10天的靜修期間,度假村的指導瑪莎(妮可·基德曼 飾)將照顧他們,瑪莎的目的是重振他們疲憊的心靈和身體。然而,這九個“完美”陌生人並不知道將會發生什麽。
1.0 星艦複國記第一季
2000 美國簡介:The basic premise of Andromeda - man from an earlier era piecing civilization back together - was the subject of three earlier Roddenberry pilots: "Genesis II" starring Alex Cord, and "Planet Earth" and "Strange New World" starring John Saxon. 長夜已經來臨 System聯邦,這最偉大的文明已經覆滅 現在,一艘星艦,一組船員將要驅散這黑夜 他們將重燃文明的光芒 在星際飛船Andromeda上,希望再次萌發 Dylan Hunt是仙女座號的船長,仙女座號是Systems聯邦的軍艦。Systems聯邦曾經橫跨幾個星係... -
3.0 星艦複國記第三季
2002 美國簡介:Dylan attempts to rescue Tyr and Beka by taking the Maru back towards the tunnel, but is forced to abandon it due to a large field of debris being sucked into the tunnel. When he returns, Beka and Tyr appear on Andromeda for no apparent reason. Now that her crew has been reunited, the Andromeda attempts to break free from the gravitational pull of the tunnel. During the attempt... -
7.0 聖女魔咒第五季
9.0 聖女魔咒第六季
4.0 聖女魔咒第七季
8.0 聖女魔咒第八季