This is a story about Bpeeyachat a young orphan that meets Monthai, the son from a rich family, during her childhood and befriends him. A car accident takes her grandmother, her last living family member, away www.inpian.com from her and she starts living with Viyada and her family. Monthai, who is engaged to Viyada, goes abroad for studies because he can't stand living at home...
9.0 花之戰
9.0 天才槍手(劇版)
10.0 王子變青蛙(泰版)國語版
2021 泰劇簡介:富二代kin(son 飾),是一家連鎖酒店的總裁-冷酷無情而且性情驕縱。一次‘意外’讓他碰到了小珠(vill 飾),一個看上去眼裏隻有錢的拜金女。因為這次‘意外’,Kin(son 飾)失去了記憶,個性有了一百八十度的大轉變,不知不覺中對小珠(vill 飾)產生情愫。就在兩情相悅時,kin(son 飾)的家人找來,並且還有深愛他的未婚妻。一些事情過後,kin(son 飾)原來的記憶漸漸恢複了,但卻忘記了與小珠(vill 飾)的點點滴滴,回到自己原本的生活中去了。小珠(vill 飾)想盡一切辦法為愛而戰,但kin(son 飾)卻認為她是個撒謊的拜金女。kin(son 飾)會記起對小珠(vill 飾)的愛嗎?他又會選擇誰呢?誰又是造成這一係列‘意外’的人呢? -
4.0 卡巴萊天使
10.0 農家女婿和千金媳婦
5.0 愛重啟