韓九重(唐迪 飾)為奪削鐵如泥的青霜劍,誘殺師弟談鶴鳴;談妻耿六娘(李麗華 飾)隱姓埋名在將軍府為傭,伺機奪劍報仇。將軍女兒嬌龍(李菁 飾)拜六娘為師,練成一身武藝,並與六娘師姪羅翼虎(喬莊 飾)相戀。翼虎順嬌龍之意,深夜到親王府盜劍,然而寡不敵眾,失手被擒;嬌龍率眾營救,與韓九重等人展開連場激戰……
4.0 約翰尼與克萊德
2.0 純粹的危機
6.0 獵物2001
6.0 線人
3.0 終極列車
2001 動作簡介:Death, Deceit and Destiny Aboard the Orient Express is a 2000 thriller film about a group of international terrorists who, a few days before the start of the new millennium, lure a group of very rich celebrities and businesspeople on board the Orient Express from Paris to Istanbul in order to extort large sums of money from them. The screenplay for the movie was written by Pete... -
7.0 終極報複