A meth amphetamines cook hunts down the former Police chief of a small town in order to silence him before he can deliver eyewitness testimony against his family, but ultimately finds himself up against more than he had bargained for.
6.0 加美拉對大魔獸加卡
1.0 加美拉對宇宙怪獸拜拉斯
3.0 劫後英雄傳
4.0 勇士傳奇
4.0 勇士迷蹤
2020 動作簡介:Nero's reign. The invasion of Parthia has been a fiasco. Two Roman legions have been brought to a stand still in the snowy mountains of Armenia, and the men are dying slowly in the cold. The rest of the Roman army is in Syria, only two weeks march away but the mountains swarm with Parthian patrols. Noreno, a half-Roman, is entrusted the mission of crossing the mountains to ask ... -
3.0 勇敢的心
1995 動作簡介:威廉?華萊士童年時,其父、蘇格蘭民族英雄馬索?華萊士在與英軍的鬥爭中犧牲,他開始接受父親好友的指導,學習蘇格蘭文化和武術。青年華萊士(梅爾?吉布森)學成回到故鄉,向美麗的少女梅倫求婚,不想梅倫被英軍搶去且遭殺害。在廣大村民“英雄之後”的呼聲中,華萊士率眾揭竿起義,並與蘇格蘭貴族羅伯結成聯盟,但不久他發現,蘇格蘭貴族考慮的隻是自身的利益。 英王為緩和局勢,派伊莎貝拉(蘇菲?瑪索)前去和華萊士談判,由於英王隻想收買華萊士,根本不顧蘇格蘭人民的自由和平等,談判失敗,但這一切並不為伊莎貝拉所知。伊莎貝拉歸國後發現事情真相,且知曉英王正策劃陰招,忙送信給華萊士,而兩人的愛情,也在戰爭與陰謀中悄然滋生。