馬大力(高虎 飾)是個患腦癱的殘疾人,護士劉小蓉(趙平 飾)在與其接觸中產生感情。不久,已懷孕的劉小蓉突然離開了馬大力,此時,大力創辦的殘疾人康複中心已對外開放。殘疾人李雲(王群 飾)在農貿市場遇見前男友陳剛,兩人碰見流氓滋事,趁李雲報警之時,流氓把陳剛打成重傷。李雲拿出全部積蓄為陳剛治療,同時柱著拐杖四處尋訪目擊者,以期抓獲凶手。社會各界被李雲身殘誌堅的行為所感動,紛紛解囊相助。不久,派出所通知她行凶的流氓已抓獲,同時見義勇為辦公室將李雲的先進事跡在全縣通報表彰。次年,北京召開全國殘疾勞模表彰大會,大力與李雲雙雙登上天安門城樓......
4.0 總是有愛在隔離
1.0 大亂鬥之少年覺醒
10.0 大人們不懂
2.0 大人物
3.0 大人的事情
2.0 大眾情人
1932 劇情簡介:Lois Ames is devoted to her job as the editor of a magazine, and her wealthy husband Fred is equally dedicated to polo and parties. Lois's long hours drive her secretary to quit, and she replaces her with Tom Sheridan, who happens to be in the office demonstrating a rowing machine. Tom likes the work and continues to advance until he is indispensable to Lois. Ruth Holman, Tom's...