A romantic road trip to South Tyrol to relive the parents’ honeymoon with the whole family is totally out of character for Sune’s thrifty dad... except that he mysteriously brings along a painting to make the trip much more than worthwhile...
4.0 凍肉
2023 恐怖簡介: David Petersen is passing through the Colorado Rockies. After saving a young diner waitress from her violent ex-husband during a break from driving, he hits the road again alone through a dangerous snow blizzard. One false move behind the wheel has him waking up inside a ravine, in the eye of the storm. But the cold is the least of his worries when a beast starts prowling outside. How will he survive? -
9.0 信不信由你
6.0 狂蟒之災2024
9.0 七月返歸
7.0 驚魂記1989
1989 恐怖簡介: 女律師林楚翹(林青霞 飾)即將移民加拿大,卻在臨行前收到一封恐嚇信。信中威脅林支付100萬,否則將其偽造假遺書的醜行公之於眾。林經過一番試探,懷疑為其親信阿May(王小鳳 飾)所為。阿May早年隨林打拚,如今卻因學曆問題而無法移民,懷恨在心的她發出恐嚇信。在被林懷疑後,她懸崖勒馬,決定收手。 另一方麵,阿May的室友阿群(王祖賢 飾)有一個蹲獄三年的雙胞胎妹妹阿Cat(王祖賢 飾)。阿Cat欠下他人錢財,性命不保。為了籌得錢款,阿群在阿May的幫助下潛入林楚翹的別墅偷盜現金100萬。陰差陽錯,當晚適逢林在家中,撕扯中阿群被誤殺,而這一切都被尾隨前來的阿Cat看在眼裏。事情開始朝著不可預測的方向發展…… -
3.0 送葬人