當酒店開房軟件泄露,你將如何麵對打開的隱私,點擊人艱不拆你會發現自己就在影片中 故事講述了電視台有一檔叫作“膽量”的娛樂節目,節目內容是用“酒店開房查詢軟件”對不同情侶進行采訪,所有被采訪者麵臨這款軟件是否敢與坦誠輸入自己的身份證號會通過攝影機告訴每一位觀眾,有多少矛盾會在此刻被激發,本片直擊人性最深處的弱點,在會心一笑過後另人反思。
7.0 漢尼拔
1960 恐怖簡介:After making his historic crossing of the Alps with elephants transporting supplies and troops, Hannibal marches on Rome in a war of revenge. During his advance, he captures Sylvia, the niece of Roman Senator Fabius Maximus but, instead of holding her prisoner, he shows her his powerful army and herds of elephants, then sets her free. He is sure she will report what she has see... -
7.0 漢歐威廣場
1945 恐怖簡介:George Harvey Bone is a composer in early 20th century London, who is under stress because he is writing a piano concerto. Due to this stress, he gets black outs when ever he hears dissonances. When he finds himself after the black out in a different quarter of the town, he returns home, to read in the paper that somebody in that quarter was murdered. Asking help from a doctor ... -
2.0 沒有護照的女人
8.0 沒有青春的青春
2007 恐怖簡介:本片改編自羅馬尼亞神學家伊利亞德的同名小說。1938年,年逾七十的哲學教授多米尼克?馬泰(蒂姆?羅斯 Tim Roth 飾)本打算自殺,卻被閃電突然擊中。嚴重燒傷的多米尼克得到了羅馬尼亞醫生斯坦庫裏斯庫教授(布魯諾?崗茨 Bruno Ganz 飾)的救治,痊愈後,多米尼克竟發現自己返老還童,並分裂出另外人格。不僅如此,多米尼克還具有夢中學習、透視、意念移物等特異功能。為了躲避納粹醫生魯道夫(安德烈?漢尼克André Hennicke 飾)的追蹤,多米尼克化名輾轉於瑞士、羅馬尼亞、馬耳他、印度等地,直到二戰結束。六十年代,某次登山時多米尼克遇見一名叫做維拉尼卡的女子(亞曆山德拉?瑪利亞?拉拉 Alexandra Maria Lara 飾),與他年輕時的未婚妻勞拉一模一樣。維拉尼卡及朋友山中遇險,被多米尼克救治後便擁有了夢中追溯語言起始的能力,卻因此加速... -
9.0 油鬼子
10.0 沼澤的沉默