Around the time that the chief of police is elected the Most Popular Citizen of Valleby, a thief and impostor is released after two decades in jail and returns to the town with a revenge plan in mind.
5.0 別闖陰陽界
1990 恐怖簡介:幾個芝加哥大學附屬醫院高材生,在好奇心的驅使下,策劃了一場探索死亡奧秘的瘋狂實驗。他們輪流躺在手術室裏進入死亡狀態,再由其他守護的同學將自己救活。這場驚險又刺激的死亡穿梭,在一個漆黑的深夜裏一步步的開始了。 第一個進行測試的納爾遜(基弗·薩瑟蘭 Kiefer Sutherland 飾)在“死”去之後,遇見了因他的侮辱而死去的男孩。死而複生後的納爾遜,雖然各種感官都變得更加敏銳和靈敏,卻陷入深深的夢魘之中;接受實驗的第二個人是好色的喬(威廉·鮑德溫 William Baldwin 飾),他見到了各種色情場麵,並且遇見了曾虐待過的女孩;緊接著,戴維(凱文·貝肯 Kevin Bacon 飾)也接受了實驗,他則將死亡實驗延遲到了兩分鍾;女學生蕾切爾(朱莉婭·羅伯茨 Julia Roberts 飾)更是在死亡時間裏,重溫了父親自殺的經過。在體驗過死亡世界之後,... -
10.0 剩餐
7.0 夜之眼
1942 恐怖簡介:New York private detective Duncan "Mac" MacLain is blind but has keenly developed all his other senses. He pursues his work assisted by his faithful guide dog Friday, his butler, Alistair, and his assistant, Marty. Retired actress Norma Lawry, an old friend, comes to Mac seeking advice. Her headstrong 17-year-old step-daughter Barbara, herself a promising actress, is enamored w... -
5.0 誇特馬斯2
2.0 奪命之眼
1.0 奪命交易員