天氣預報播報員郭靖(馮淬帆 飾)即將退休,成為新聞播報員的願望卻始終沒有實現,膝下三個兒女亦各有煩惱:大女郭美美(毛舜筠 飾)強悍嬌蠻,其夫姚明(曾誌偉 飾)憨厚老實,夫妻關係在妻強夫弱的事實下逐漸失衡;二女郭晶晶與下屬樂易瓦(黃宗澤 飾)在玩地下戀,不思 進取卻受女性歡迎的男友令她沒有安全感;小兒子郭富城是個宅男,他希望將自己的女神Vivian(張馨予 飾)從大富豪Roberto(蘇永康 飾)手上救出。一家子正煩惱之際,2012末世謠言越傳越盛,發覺真相的郭家人決定協力阻止Roberto收購電視台,平息香港市民的恐慌,郭靖也終於實現播報重要新聞的夙願。
7.0 追殺網紅
7.0 泥瓦房
4.0 哀悼岩
7.0 拉斯提亞斯
2024 恐怖簡介:A mother moves into an old family home to undergo a rigorous treatment that she hopes will help her autistic daughter communicate. The therapy seems successful when the girl miraculously begins to speak. However, she soon discovers that her daughter has come into contact with the tortured entities of the place, who return from beyond to collect a dark debt from the past -
1.0 三天
5.0 撒冷女巫魔偶