

已完結 / / 恐怖片 /德國 / 1985


With "Der Fan" (1982) director Eckhart Schmidt had created an interesting type of cold thriller with 80s German New Wave pop music. "Alpha City" is probably the best among the bunch of his movies which followed "Der Fan". Shot in Berlin entirely at night, "Alpha City" tells the story of young Raphaela (Isabelle Gutzwiller) who is stalked by Frank (Claude-Oliver Rudolph) and fal...


  • 神出鬼沒吃人鱷 4.0 神出鬼沒吃人鱷
    1987 恐怖
    簡介:In the Australian outback, a park ranger and two local guides set out to track down a giant crocodile that has been killing and eating the local populace. During the hunt, one of the guides discovers that he has an ESP connection to the giant creature.
  • 神秘失蹤 6.0 神秘失蹤
    1993 恐怖
  • 神秘小搭檔之變色龍複仇記 3.0 神秘小搭檔之變色龍複仇記
    2008 恐怖
    簡介:Around the time that the chief of police is elected the Most Popular Citizen of Valleby, a thief and impostor is released after two decades in jail and returns to the town with a revenge plan in mind.
  • 神秘村 6.0 神秘村
    2004 恐怖
    簡介:1897年,賓夕法尼亞州有一座名為考明頓的小村莊。這裏風光秀美,景色宜人,村民間更是團結友愛,和善為親,過著平靜自在的生活。然而,考明頓村民的心中卻有著一個揮之不去的夢魘。傳說在村子周圍的叢林中隱藏著殘忍而恐怖的怪物,它們和村民間似乎有著一道不可僭越的約定,雙方守在各自的領地,秋毫無犯。但是近一段時間種種跡象表明,盤踞在森林中的怪物正試圖踐足人類的領地。人們對此無計可施,隻能用古老的辦法——在樹幹漆上黃色——來阻退怪物。   為了醫治母親的病,年青人路西斯(傑昆·菲尼克斯 Joaquin Phoenix 飾)決心去森林另一邊的城鎮采購藥品。這一舉動徹底改變了考明頓的命運……
  • 神秘群島 9.0 神秘群島
    2006 恐怖
    簡介:瑞秋(黛咪?摩爾飾)是成功的神秘小說作家,經常登上暢銷書排行榜。但當5歲的兒子在玩耍時溺水而亡後,無法再麵對充斥了各種回憶的舊居。她隻身前去某個漁村,在好朋友細致周到的安排下住在一個小房子裏,準備開始新的創作。   這個小漁村有通靈的神婆,也有善良的酒吧老板,還有遠處小島上的燈塔半明半滅。她的生活看似漸漸歸於平靜。一天在小島上她認識了一個俊朗不羈的男子,並迅速墜入熱戀。   但在次日的相約中男子並沒有出現,無論她如何尋找也不得其法。經過打聽大家告訴她一切都是她的幻覺,這裏並沒有這樣的男子存在。   超自然的力量真的存在嗎?還是原本就是一個精心策劃的騙局呢?
  • 神秘足跡 3.0 神秘足跡
    1975 恐怖
    簡介:In this sci-fi chiller, a young woman's peace is shattered when she begins hearing loud screams in her head. They are the agonized wailings of an astronaut deliberately marooned upon the moon by a double-crossing experimenter. Soon the woman becomes possessed by the astronaut.


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