遙遠的未來,飛行交通工具已經取代了汽車,但是賽車這項運動仍然在各個星球廣受歡迎。著名的“紅線”賽事是賽車界級別最高的比賽,也是眾多車手的終極夢想。在競爭紅線賽的資格賽——“黃線”比賽中,賽車手JP(木村拓哉 配音)幸運的與“少男獵手”索諾西(蒼井優 配音)一同晉級紅線。本屆紅線賽在槍彈橫飛的“機器世界”舉辦,令本就暴虐刺激的賽車更具吸引力。然而主辦星球的統治者因擔心自己星球的秘密暴露,決定在比賽中全力阻擊一眾車手;另一方麵,JP在幼年時曾與索諾西相識,然而後者似乎忘記了這一切。紅線賽如期在槍林彈雨中拉開了帷幕……
7.0 追殺網紅
7.0 泥瓦房
4.0 哀悼岩
7.0 拉斯提亞斯
2024 恐怖簡介:A mother moves into an old family home to undergo a rigorous treatment that she hopes will help her autistic daughter communicate. The therapy seems successful when the girl miraculously begins to speak. However, she soon discovers that her daughter has come into contact with the tortured entities of the place, who return from beyond to collect a dark debt from the past -
1.0 三天
5.0 撒冷女巫魔偶