Zhang a middle aged man struggling with a dead end job as an insurance sales person, on the verge of divorce with his wife, losing custody of her daughter and on top of all this he had to take care of his father who's suffering Alzheimer's. Unknowingly Zhang was invited to join an underground fighting game for financial purposes but eventually Zhang becomes hooked on the fights...
2.0 金旋風
1972 動作簡介:宋末,奸相賈似道當道,殘殺忠良。丁紫鳳因父受誣,夜探相府,獲悉賈托高手私帶降書給蒙國,隱約聽見金旋風之名,遂廣邀武林正派,截擊金。楊劍鳴見金非歹人,遂與結交。鳳與六同門,合稱飛劍七鳳,一起追殺金。金得知密函已藏七鳳之一坐騎,與楊同往告七鳳,鳳搜索後,果見一長信條封。拆視,僅一白紙,楊之師父申源指此為調虎離山計,聯眾高手欲除金。金始知中之奸計,受重創後飛馬逃避,楊隨後照應。金、楊在逃命中發現七鳳遇襲,出手相助,殺賈手下碧玉蛇,並活捉袁能。袁供出帶密函者乃申源!此時,申已至邊境,正欲交密函給蒙人,金等及時趕到,與申等決戰。金終手刃申源,搜出密函,與鳳、楊同赴京師,揭露賈奸謀,鳳父亦沉冤得雪矣。 -
4.0 禁海蒼狼
8.0 緊急救援
8.0 虎辮子
2.0 監獄風雲之女逃犯
5.0 街頭火拚