A murderous religious cult is way-laying travellers and stealing goods in nineteenth century India. As the disappearances mount and trade becomes difficult, the British East India Company is forced to act. But they give the job to an upper-class officer completely out-of-touch with the country rather than the obvious candidate who has been in India for years and well understand...
1.0 淨化之時
9.0 倒忌時
6.0 移民保姆
1.0 恐懼街3
6.0 完美男人2015
2015 恐怖簡介:馬修(皮埃爾·尼內 Pierre Niney 飾)渴望成為一名作家,可事與願違,已經二十五歲的他並未在寫作上展現出什麽耀眼的才華獲得過什麽成功,這個夢想隨著時間的推移離他越來越遙遠起來。如今,他隻能靠在搬家公司工作的所得來勉強糊口。 一次偶然中,馬修在一位獨居老人的屋子裏找到了一份未被出版的手稿,在激烈的心理鬥爭之後,馬修還是決定將這份手稿以自己的名義送往出版社。哪知道這份手稿一經出版竟然轟動了全國,馬修一下子成為了法國炙手可熱的文學新星。突如其來的名譽和財富衝昏了馬修的頭腦,當問題和麻煩也接踵而至。他不僅要想方設法守住自己的秘密,還要應對讀者對於他第二部作品的猛烈呼喚。 -
5.0 驚魂鬼屋