3.0 恐怖古堡
1963 恐怖簡介: 一個年輕的拿破侖軍官追蹤一個神秘的女人而來到一個年邁男爵的城堡,在那裏他發現這個女人是聽命於一個老巫婆,其最終目的是迫使男爵自殺…… Roger directed for two days on a set left over from a previous production, and without a proper script. He hired Francis Coppola to write a script and finish the picture. After five weeks of shooting, Roger fired Francis, and hired me to finish the picture. Jack Hill was hired to write a new script with me. A lot of what Francis shot was thrown out, except for the stuff with the witch from WIZARD OF OZ. (Dorothy Newman), and I finished the picture in five days of shooting. All of the interiors are Roger's (with the exception of Francis's witch's lair), and most of the exteriors are mine. To the best of my recollection, and contrary to legend, Jack Nicholson did not direct any of the film. -
9.0 來自地獄的鍾聲
6.0 魔女嘉莉
1976 恐怖簡介: 外表平凡性格內向的嘉利·懷特(茜茜·斯派塞克 Sissy Spacek 飾)一直都是班上默默無聞的醜小鴨,她古怪的性格和沉迷於宗教崇拜的母親更為她遭受同學的欺淩創造了得天獨厚的條件。盡管現實殘酷,但在校園裏,依然有人默默的關心著嘉利,這使得嘉利樹立了信心想要融入校園生活中去 。三年一度的畢業晚會要開始了,盡管母親瑪格麗特·懷特(派珀·勞瑞 Piper Laurie 飾)極力反對,但嘉利下定決心要在舞會上奪得“舞會王後”的頭籌一改往日抑鬱的形象。可是,一些人總是不願意放過她,舞會當晚,頭戴王冠的嘉利在眾目睽睽之下全身淋滿了豬血,憤怒激活了她體內的女巫血統,她要使用她的能力,將整個會場變成人間地獄。 本片改編自史蒂芬·金(Stephen King)的同名小說,不僅成為了青春校園恐怖小說的鼻祖,也為日後層出不窮的同類題材電影開出了一條道路。 -
5.0 死神的長發
2.0 四穀怪談
7.0 大白鯊1975