In London, the pregnant wife of an industrialist falls down the stairs, loses her sight and has no recollection of the events but suspects that a mentally traumatic experience prior to the fall caused her accident.
Psyche 59 is a 1964 British drama film directed by Alexander Singer and written by Julian Halevy. It is based on the 1963 novel Psyche '59 by Fran?oise des Ligneris....
7.0 雙麵人
6.0 天堂2
8.0 陷害
1947 恐怖簡介: Mike Lambert, unemployed mining engineer, arrives in a small town with a bang when the brakes fail on the truck he's driving. After meeting seductive Paula at the La Paloma Cafe, he finds himself in trouble with the law. On the basis of a few burning glances, Paula pays his fine and finds him a room, but her motives are not what they seem. Mike lucks into a job with miner Jeff Cunningham, but against his will he's drawn ever deeper into Paula's schemes -
7.0 雙雄2003
5.0 欲海潮1992
8.0 水中漫步2004
2004 恐怖簡介: 作為以色列特工,伊亞(裏歐·艾希肯納茲Lior Ashkenazi飾)的的工作就是用各種手段追殺前納粹分子,他的妻子自殺身亡,並留下紙條,上麵寫著“你毀滅一切靠近你的東西”。伊亞對妻子的死萬分內疚,然而任務還在繼續,他要殺掉一名已經年邁的納粹分子, 目標人物的孫子艾瑟(克納特·柏格Knut Berger飾)來到以色列和姐姐相聚,這給伊亞提供了絕好的機會。他以導遊身份接近艾瑟,並帶他遊覽耶路撒冷。沿途艾瑟對伊亞完全信任,甚至還產生了同性之愛,伊亞卻在妻子自殺的陰霾中走不出來,並得知艾瑟祖父已經去世。這一切讓伊亞倍感疲倦。 當艾瑟離開以色列,伊亞開始掛念這段曖昧與友誼夾雜的感情。他飛往德國找到艾瑟,卻意外得知了一個秘密,讓他大為困惑,不知如何抉擇。