

已完結 / / 喜劇片 /美國 / 2021


曾是頂級地產經紀的希迪(西格妮·韋弗 飾),表麵上生活富足,對人談笑風生。其實事業早已滑坡,家庭亦諸多問題。麵對生活壓力,希迪一直咬緊牙關;就算在好友瑞貝卡(莫蕾娜·巴卡琳 飾)及舊愛範克(凱文·克萊恩 飾)麵前,亦不敢吐露心聲。唯有三杯落肚,才可令她放鬆心情,做回自己。經常飲至爛醉的她,終於在一次次“斷片”後,闖出了彌天大禍。


  • 追鬼七雄 10.0 追鬼七雄
    1983 喜劇
    簡介:排長(鄭則仕 飾)與阿英(許冠英 飾)喬裝趕屍道人,與五名扮成僵屍的同夥夾帶鴉片販賣路經馬祥坪。獨霸一方的苗老爺為強占歌女害死琴師阿昌,威逼利誘托排長攜屍體出城。七人出城進入原始森林,不慎將屍體遺落於硫磺沼澤,眾人將錯就錯,尋至客店安歇。   當晚一名同夥遇害,鄉民傳言厲鬼作祟,排長與其餘五人搜集大蒜等物赴荒郊祛鬼,經由古墓內的幾番交手,排長等人一敗塗地。排長與阿英逃得性命後折返馬祥坪向苗老爺報信,始知厲鬼動機隻在向苗老爺尋仇,排長眼見助陣道士鬥法厲鬼失敗,趁機施計要挾苗老爺,反被對方製服,充作與厲鬼決戰時的肉餌……
  • 遺產計劃 7.0 遺產計劃
    2022 喜劇
    簡介:Two sisters find their wealthy aunt is terminally ill and plan to get their inheritance, the sisters plan to improve their relationship, but when they find that they are not the only ones in the family with a similar plan.
  • 油氈 9.0 油氈
    2022 喜劇
    簡介:The host of a failing children's science TV show attempts to fulfill his childhood dream of being an astronaut by building a rocket ship in his garage, all while trying to makes sense of surreal events around him.
  • 生命中最特別的朋友 2.0 生命中最特別的朋友
    2021 喜劇
  • 墨西哥萬歲 1.0 墨西哥萬歲
    2022 喜劇
    簡介:After his grandfather's death, a man travels with his wife and kids to his hometown, where chaos ensues with his relatives over the inheritance.
  • 紅木大屠殺:殲滅 5.0 紅木大屠殺:殲滅
    2020 喜劇
    簡介:Twenty years ago at the infamous Redwood Farm, the owner went mad and killed his family and himself. Shrouded in urban legend ever since, a stranger obsessed with the unsolved Redwood murders convinces a group of bereaved family members to venture into the wilderness in the hope of proving the existence of the notorious burlap bag-masked maniac. Their quest for truth sees a sin...


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