Mystery of the mysterious death of Tjokro Kusumo. Tjokro Kusumo and Brotoseno were enemies who fought over the loji pusaka until the two of them harbored grudges against each other.
5.0 雷神魔鬼
4.0 晨曦中的女孩
8.0 霧夜足音
1955 恐怖簡介:To his Victorian London friends, Stephen Lowry is a heartbroken widower. Only his housemaid Lily knows that far from dying of gastroenteritis his wife was slowly poisoned by her husband - information she is happy to use to improve her position in the household and to make sure she stays close to Stephen. As his own prospects improve with a business partnership and a romance mor... -
1.0 霧宅
10.0 霍莉驚魂
5.0 青魘
2012 恐怖簡介:郝冬(黃軒 飾)在收聽午夜電台節目時,談到了自己失眠的痛苦經曆。郝冬的女友——電台DJ依凡(薛凱琪 飾)開始對他進行心理輔導。而郝冬卻對她講述了自己的夢魘:一個白衣飄飄的長發女子(周楚楚 飾)從高樓墜落,這令他難以安眠。而更令人恐懼的是,他那些關於九裏村的童年記憶,雖然支離破碎,卻令人不寒而栗。當時,建國初期,一對夫婦來到了九裏村,支援村裏農業生產建設,丈夫叫建國,是雜交水稻專家,他的妻子名叫駱曉月。來到村子沒多久,建國因下河觸電身亡,而曉月則被村長的智障弟弟騷擾。後來,曉月竟然在夜間被人用柴刀殺死。警察調查中,發現智障弟弟為最大嫌疑人,但是由於其為精神病,故未受懲罰。20年過去了,郝冬再度回到九裏村,住在舅舅家中,又遭遇了一連串令人毛骨悚然的詭異景象。當他在一步步揭開真相的時候,同時也陷入了對於凶手殺人的回憶中,陳年往事如瘡疤被揭開,真相令人瞠目結...