one31 2023
4.0 詭計遊戲
4.0 冬日微暖
2.0 創作愛情
2024 泰劇簡介:mojo muse management製作 皮伊是一位作家,他決定住在度假村的民宿寫作取靈感,但因裝修而暫停營業,老板阿霆提出透過係統退還訂金,皮伊卻不同意堅持留在這房子。 皮伊在這裏與阿霆朝夕相處,創造出共同的回憶,皮伊希望將阿霆的故事變成自己小說的一部分,激發出天馬行空的想像靈感,倆人關係越來越近... 「寫小說就是在講述你希望的故事,但現實生活……就是接受事物原本的樣子! 」 Produced by Mojo Muse Management Pee is a writer who decided to stay at a homestay in a resort for writing inspiration, but due to renovation, the business was suspended. The owner Arthi... -
7.0 心跳節拍
2024 泰劇簡介:當阿珀的任務是記錄男孩組合火星解散前的最後一場演唱會時,他無意中成為了領導者Thame最親密的知己。Thame即將在韓國首次亮相,將樂隊的其他成員拋在身後。 When Po is tasked with documenting boy group Mars' final concert before their disbandment, he inadvertently becomes the closest confidant of leader Thame. Thame's about to make his debut in South Korea, leaving the rest of the group behind. -
6.0 仍是凝視你
5.0 新版愛和罪孽的痕跡