Formerly, the usual UK title was THE BOGEY MAN AND THE FRENCH MURDERS. There's also a Greek video with the sleeve title, CALL GIRLS FOR INSPECTOR BOGART. The inspector is not named Bogart, nor does he get any call girls, but who cares? It's a title that sells. There's a killer in Paris, a suicide from the Eiffel Tower, a brothel as the main setting, insane professors, an eye-ball thief, an inspector who looks like Humphrey Bogart (for no apparent reason), a truly creepy Anita Ekberg, and an impressive line-up of Euro-stars. How Dick Randall assembled this cast is beyond me, but he did it. Besides Anita Ekberg, there's Rosalba Neri (who even sings a song in a nightclub), Barbara Bouchet, Evelyn Kraft, Howard Vernon, and Robert Sacchi as inspector Pontaine or Humphrey Bogart. The title is pretty accurate. The murders take place during, before or after sex in a brothel in Paris. In between, the Bogey-man snoops around trying to track down the killer, but he is not too bright. You'll probably have figured it out long before he does. The film's producer was American Dick Randall who took residence in Rome in the '60s but basically was wherever the deals where made, which meant Rome in the '60s, Bangkok and Hong Kong in the '70s and London in the '80s. Whilst residing in Italy, he payed close attention and decided to take a shot at the giallo as well, and produced this piece of cinematic soufflé. It's a perfect example of totally round the bend Euro-tosh, with a rather tame execution actually. The direction is not wildly imaginative, a workman's job at best, so don't expect outrageous Italian craftsmanship and style here, but some spicing-up in the editing by Bruno Mattei. The special effects were done by future Oscar-winner Carlo Rambaldi of ET fame. I guess he learned a lot since this one. Of course, the presence of Robert Sacchi, among some other ingredients (mostly the cast) give this film a certain weird identity of its own. All together, it's pretty much a poor man's interpretation of an Italian Giallo. The version on Mondo Macabro's DVD never existed in this form. From various copies, they assembled the longest version they could possibly paste together. There's an English audio-track, but a couple of scenes appear in Italian with subtitles. imdb comment
8.0 武當19832297471
8.0 江戶前的廢柴精靈[電影解說]
1.0 舞動青春[電影解說]
2017 電影解說簡介: 富士田多多良(土屋神葉 配音)是一個平凡的初中三年級男生,多多良對未來沒有什麽規劃,亦沒有確切堅定的人生夢想,終日生活在懵懂之中。一場意外中,多多良遇見了名為仙石要(森川智之 配音)的男子,在後者的帶領下,他來到了名為小笠原的舞蹈工作室,在那裏,多多良第一次感受到了社交舞蹈的強烈魅力,就此踏入了這個充滿了激情世界之中。 表麵冷淡內心火熱的兵藤清春(岡本信彥 配音)、多多良的同學,清春的舞伴花岡雫(佐倉綾音 配音)、大大咧咧強勢開朗的赤城賀壽(富田健太郎 配音)、善解人意溫柔體貼的赤城真子(諸星堇 配音),在工作室裏,多多良邂逅了這些誌同道合的舞者們,他們是彼此較量的對手,更是分享著共同的理想和熱情的同伴。 -
9.0 隱身博士[電影解說]
6.0 可愛過頭大危機[電影解說]
10.0 異想天開[電影解說]