

已完結 / / 動漫 /日本 / 2023




  • 加菲貓和他的朋友們第四季 3.0 加菲貓和他的朋友們第四季
    1991 歐美動漫
    簡介:  加菲貓是一隻把所有的時間都花在吃東西、看電視、睡覺上麵的一隻大胖貓。它的主人則是一個懶散的年輕人,他還擁有一隻整天隻知道吐舌頭和追汽車的小狗——歐第。當然,歐第就成了加菲每天玩弄的對象。這一係列的動畫片就是圍繞著一隻肥貓、一條傻狗和一個整天迷迷糊糊的主人展開的。
  • 加菲貓和他的朋友們第五季 7.0 加菲貓和他的朋友們第五季
    1992 歐美動漫
    簡介:  懶惰卻又聰明的肥貓、又笨又可愛的傻狗和一個整天迷迷糊糊的主人喬恩之間的搞笑日常故事。
  • 加菲貓和他的朋友們第六季 6.0 加菲貓和他的朋友們第六季
    1993 歐美動漫
    簡介:  In honor to celebrate the 15th anniversary of Garfield, CBS aired the sixth season in 1993. For this season, the titles changed at the beginning. Instead of showing clips from only the first two seasons, which is what happened for the last three seasons, the titles included more clips from the fifth season, plus some from this season and one from a second season episode "Health Feud", but still retaining a large amount of the original clips. However, the theme tune remained the same. Episodes 90–96 are available on the Garfield and Friends: Volume 4 DVD set. Episodes 97–105 are available on Garfield and Friends: Volume 5 DVD set.
  • 加菲貓和他的朋友們第七季 8.0 加菲貓和他的朋友們第七季
    1994 歐美動漫
    簡介:  In this season, the show went back to airing one new episode a week, but stayed in the hour-length format, filling up the second half-hour with episodes from previous seasons and some of the prime-time specials from the 1980s. This entire season, along with the second half of season 6, is available on Garfield and Friends: Volume 5 DVD set. Also worth noting is that here, a new theme song was added that was written by J.R. Johnston and Neil Panton. The theme was sung by J.R. Johnston. This theme song was not shown internationally, and as a result, it does not appear on the DVDs (although Garfield's quotations are kept intact). This new introduction sequence used most clips from Seasons 5-7 and a few from the first two seasons, as well as Garfield in Paradise and Garfield's Feline Fantasies. The episodes stopped using a few seconds of the theme playing in the episode title cards after season seven's fourth episode; music from the episodes were used in the title cards until the show ended, even though season six used music from some of their episodes.
  • 無敵鋼鐵俠 10.0 無敵鋼鐵俠
    2007 歐美動漫
    簡介:  在這個揭示鋼鐵超人起源的傳奇冒險故事裏,過去和現在發生了碰撞。在一個被埋葬多年的中國古老王國的廢墟上,百萬富翁兼發明家托尼。斯塔克進行著挖掘工作,但挖掘進度遠遠超出了協議規定的部分。他解開了一個古老的預言,預示中國最黑暗和最暴亂朝代的君主Mandarin將會複蘇。為了對 付這股極具破壞性的力量,托尼打造了一套盔甲,並裝備上先進武器。為了阻止這個他親手帶到地球的邪惡力量,托尼必須要成為自己有生以來最偉大的發明 -- 鋼鐵超人!這個新生的戰士必須到地球的四個角落同Mandarin的追隨者元素戰士 -- 4個操縱著土、水、風和火元素力量的戰士 戰鬥!但像預言所說的那樣,鋼鐵超人是否有足夠的能力挑戰命運,阻止這股邪惡力量意圖對地球的破壞呢?
  • 正義聯盟之新的邊際 8.0 正義聯盟之新的邊際
    2008 歐美動漫
    簡介:  The origins of the Justice League are explained as Detective John Jones and Batman try to discover what the 'Centre' is, Superman and Wonder Woman are soldiers for the United States Army, Flash is trying to live in a world were special agent King Faraday is hunting him and Hal Jordan has been selected to go with Task Force X to Mars.


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