5.0 狼性
10.0 麵包碎屑
3.0 叛教
2017 劇情簡介: As devout Jehovah's Witnesses, sisters Alex and Luisa and their mother, Ivanna, are united in The Truth. Alex looks up to her confident older sister, while striving to follow in Ivanna's footsteps as a 'good Witness'. But when Luisa starts to question the advice of the Elders, she makes a life-altering transgression that threatens to expel her from the congregation. Unless Ivanna and Alex can persuade her to return, they must shun her completely. This challenge becomes more painful when their family is faced with another heartbreaking test of faith. Written and directed by Daniel Kokotajlo, a former Jehovah's Witness, Apostasy provides rare insight into the complex nature of faith, family, duty and love. -
7.0 上岸的魚
2.0 天使曾經來過
2017 劇情簡介: 這是一部講述不一般父女情的溫馨電影。 男主角浩文熱愛衝浪泡妹,享受生活放蕩不羈,“不輕易道歉,不向生活低頭”更是他的座右銘。 豔陽高照的墾丁海灘,多得是帥哥美女,浩文跟客戶吵架之後,甩手不幹跑到海邊每天泡妞,暢意享受自在的人生,而他的好皮相也讓他在女人堆裏十分吃香,算得上是過著糜爛的生活,身邊辣妹一個換過一個。 直到神秘小女孩筱風的出現、闖入浩文世界… 這一喊,出自一個8歲的陌生小女孩的口中,她叫筱風。 睜著天真無邪的大眼睛,認認真真,滿懷開心地喊出這兩個字的時候,浩文覺得驚悚猶如世界末日,一直遊戲人間還泡友滿天下的帥哥文,怎麽可能會突然蹦出一個八歲的女兒?!這是開什麽玩笑啊! 故事,就從兩人驊騮的相遇開始了。 電影全片在台灣墾丁取景,不止有漂亮的海景,特色的民宿,還有陽光、沙灘、衝浪、海底潛水,猛男與比基尼美女,透過電影盡收眼底! 飾演男主角的,是馬來西亞最高票房電影《輝煌年代》(OlaBola)男主角的朱俊丞 JC Chee。 飾演女主角的,則是香港知名性感氣質女神何佩瑜 Jeana,她曾參與演出《喜愛夜蒲3》、《港囧》、《辣警察霸王花》等。 -
3.0 外婆