7.0 單親貴族
3.0 窈窕淑女第一季
2019 美國簡介:布裏安娜·希爾德布蘭(《死侍》)、Kiana Madeira(《閃電俠》)、Quintessa Swindell(《烏托邦》)將主演Netflix劇集《小東西》(Trinkets,暫譯)。三人依次飾三個高中少女:不被周遭所接受的傷心人Elodie、神秘的局外人Moe、“完美的不完美展現”Tabitha,她們意外結為朋友,將在彼此身上找到力量,去應對家庭、學校事務,平衡“想要融入”和“想要打破”的矛盾衝動。 拉裏·蘇利文(《大小謊言》)、布蘭登·巴特勒(《13個原因》)、Odiseas Georgiadis(《華盛頓郵報》)、Henry Zaga(《13個原因》)、October Moore(《格林》)、Larisa Oleynik(《廣告狂人》)也出演,改編自Kirsten "Kiwi" Smith的同名小說,Linda Gase(《警察世家》)任運... -
5.0 窈窕淑女第二季
7.0 小偷世家
8.0 小小世界第一季
3.0 小羽毛海蒂第二季
2016 美國簡介:Hetty is shocked at the brisk way in which baby Hazel Didcott is received from her mother for reception at the orphanage, the more so when she learns Hazel's name will be changed - although she is told why it is necessary. She plans to send Hazel to Peg and Jem, who know more about her birth mother and when bad boys Vince and Judd are caught stealing to trade for a football she...