

類型: 理論






  • 凶愛:約會強暴 7.0 凶愛:約會強暴
    2017 倫理
    簡介:  介護師の北島英理(天使もえ)は仕事帰りの夜道で暴漢に襲われるが、通り掛かった吉田順一(神穀哲太)に助けられ、その事がきっかけで交際を始める。両親を早くに亡くし孤獨な毎日を過ごす英理と、日々の仕事にストレスを抱えながらも真麵目に生きる順一の二人は急速に惹かれ合っていった。しかし英理が介護を擔當する老女の二宮岬(穀川みゆき)はふたりの交際に懐疑的であった。そして岬の心配をよそに、やがて二人は一緒に暮らすようになる。そんなある日、英理が夕食をデリバリーにしたことから、順一の態度が急変した。突然英理を突き飛ばし、すぐに食事の支度をしろと怒鳴り始めたのであった。
  • 性輪回:尋死之女 5.0 性輪回:尋死之女
    1971 倫理
    簡介:  While Mishima has just committed suicide in public, two couples accidentally meet in an inn in the countryside: the man and the woman, now with different companions,had known each other years ago…
  • 続悪徳醫 女醫篇 6.0 続悪徳醫 女醫篇
    続悪徳醫 女醫篇
    1967 倫理
    簡介:  1)Sex, violence, and surgery make for a heady mix in this lurid Japanese shocker concerning a respected female doctor who uses her charms to seduce a series of unsuspecting men and then obtain bloody revenge for the abuse she suffered as a teenager. When she settles down with the "man of her dreams" and thinks her life has turned a corner, she soon discovers her dark journey has only begun. Michiko Aoyama, Akihiko Kanbara star. 81 min. Widescreen (Enhanced); Soundtrack: English (dubbed) Dolby Digital mono; theatrical trailer. Dubbed in English.  2)This brutal Japanese rape-revenge from the late '60s tells the story of a lady doctor who was stripped topless and sexually assaulted on a beach by three men, an attack (shown in shocking detail) which left her pregnant and infected with syphilis. Now older and successful, she prowls the streets, seducing men to take them home and have sex with them before using her doctor skills to brutally murder them to bits. After getting married, she begins to suspect her husband of some sort of betrayal. Will she have to add him to her long list of dismembered victims? Probably.  With a surprising amount of nudity and gore for an early Japanese sexploitation, this savage classic, originally presented by Radley Metzger, is sure to shock the senses.
  • 明智小五郎美女係列23:火焰中的美女 江戶川亂步的恐怖三角館 2.0 明智小五郎美女係列23:火焰中的美女 江戶川亂步的恐怖三角館
  • 新妻は浮気症 4.0 新妻は浮気症
    2017 倫理
  • 性癮:偷窺狂 6.0 性癮:偷窺狂
    2018 倫理


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