

類型: 電影解說






  • 魔怪1986[電影解說] 2.0 魔怪1986[電影解說]
    1986 電影解說
    簡介:  Earth Corps, a team of scientists specializing in subterranean exploration, would prefer to simply go about their work. However, this changes when a horde of monsters from below called Inhumanoids, collaborated by the evil human traitor, Blackthorne Shore, begin to attack the surface world. Against this threat, the team, and allied monster species they meet are forced to oppose them with whatever skills and equipment are useful.  Written by Kenneth Chisholm {kchishol@execulink.com}
  • 非凡的公主希瑞 第一季[電影解說] 5.0 非凡的公主希瑞 第一季[電影解說]
    非凡的公主希瑞 第一季[電影解說]
    1985 電影解說
    簡介:  本片是《宇宙的巨人希曼》的“兄妹篇”,也是該片大獲成功後的趁熱打鐵之作,由美國飛美遜公司(Filmation Associates)於1985年推出。希瑞的造型源自1941年問世的漫畫《神奇女俠》(Wonder Woman)。  每集中,少不了的開場白如下:“我叫阿多拉,霍曼的親妹妹。我是水晶城堡的保護者。這,是順馬風,我的坐騎。有一天,我獲得了奇跡般的秘密,當我抽出劍說:‘賜於我力量吧……She-Ra,She-Ra,She-Ra,She-Ra,我是希瑞……’我便和起義軍的朋友們一起,為解救以希利亞,與罪惡的霍達克進行著戰鬥……”(關於阿多拉的身世之謎,霍達克正是她的養父!當年霍德人進攻艾特尼亞時,霍達克曾經從王宮裏偷走一個女嬰,該女嬰就是阿多拉——她的孿生哥哥便是亞當王子,多年後,鸚鵡仙子令亞當救回了自己的妹妹,阿多拉這才知道了事實的真相。)
  • 麥克勞傳奇1995版[電影解說] 7.0 麥克勞傳奇1995版[電影解說]
    1995 電影解說
    簡介:  The story unfolds on post-apocalyptic Earth, after a meteorite collision nearly wipes out all human civilization after setting off nuclear weapons. Following this catastrophe, Connor MacLeod (the protagonist of the original film) and other Immortals swear to renounce the Game of fighting each other until only one Immortal remains to win the Prize. Instead, the Immortals swear to preserve human knowledge and help humanity. They cast away their swords and call themselves Jettators (from the French jette, "thrown away".)  But one Immortal, Kortan, refuses to swear the oath - he still seeks the Prize and now wishes to dominate the world. Connor challenges Kortan to a duel and is defeated and killed, as any Immortal who breaks the oath is destined to die. However, with Connor's death comes the prophecy of the rise of a new Immortal, unbound by the oath, who will defeat Kortan. Uncontested by the Jettators and nigh-unkillable by mortals, Kortan establishes an empire controlling most of the planet, which he rules from his fortress Mogonda.  700 years later, a Highland youth named Quentin is killed trying to defend his clan, the Dundee, from Kortan's slavers. He is the prophesied Immortal and returns to life. His dying mother reveals his true identity to be Quentin MacLeod from clan MacLeod, "The Last of the MacLeods". Quentin meets the Jetattor Don Vincente Marino Ramirez, who becomes his mentor. Ramirez teaches Quentin about Immortals and his mission to confront Kortan, and trains him in combat.  Accompanied by Ramirez, his adoptive sister Clyde, and their pet Gaul, Quentin seeks out the Jettators to gain their Quickening and their knowledge - not by beheading, but by a sharing as MacLeod and the Jettator grasp the same sword simultaneously (although the effects are sometimes just as destructive to the surrounding area). In the wake of a sharing the Jettator becomes mortal and often his or her sword shatters to signify this. With the wisdom of Ramírez and the Quickenings of the Jettators, Quentin may be able to destroy Kortan.  Despite being redesigned to attract a younger audience, the show was surprisingly mature/violent; it wasn't uncommon for minor characters to die, and while Quentin took other Immortals' power and knowledge without also taking their lives, Kortan still did it the old way, by beheading them. In addition, though essentially a good-versus-evil scenario, most of the characters on both sides were more than just black and white heroes and villains. Many of Kortan's henchmen are shown to have good characteristics and feelings - and even on occasion Quentin will be tempted by greed and be selfish, especially when offered the chances of immense power. Of course, ultimately, his good side always wins through. Some episodes involve Jettators making use of a loophole in their oath to challenge Kortan regardless, such as Matsuda, who built a cyborg to fight Kortan in his stead, or Cornell, who changed his name to Orion to be able to fight Kortan.
  • 宇宙的巨人希曼 第一季[電影解說] 1.0 宇宙的巨人希曼 第一季[電影解說]
    宇宙的巨人希曼 第一季[電影解說]
    1983 電影解說
    簡介:  本片由美國飛美遜公司(Filmation Associates)於1983~1985年推出,大獲成功後,該公司忙不迭地推出了劇情類似的“兄妹篇”《非凡的公主希瑞》(在我國,由於引進的原因,希瑞先於希曼被人熟知),同樣取得巨大成功。  每集的開場白如下:“我是一個宇宙巨人,名叫亞當,是艾特尼亞王國的王子。我保守著輝克堡的秘密。這,是太空虎,我忠實的好朋友。我可以為自己召來神秘的魔力,隻要念一聲咒語:‘輝克顯靈’……希曼來啦……這時候太空虎將變成我的坐騎,我就成了希曼,宇宙中最強有力的人。隻有其他三個人知道這個秘密:我的朋友鸚鵡仙子,鄧肯武士和小不點奧克,他們將幫助我進行保護輝克堡的戰鬥。”——除了亞當王子之外,該片裏的其它角色,鸚鵡仙子、鄧肯武士、奧克以及骷髏王等等,也同樣讓人刻骨銘心。
  • 螺旋地帶[電影解說] 1.0 螺旋地帶[電影解說]
    1987 電影解說
    簡介:  可能是本片給人的感覺比較陰暗吧,或者是因為當年播出時間很短,大多數觀眾對《螺旋地帶》印象不深。在炭疽熱成為頭版標題以及擔心恐怖分子可能使用生化武器進行恐怖襲擊之前,其實,早在80年代就已經有一部動畫片對這一切進行了演繹。午夜在线小视频對於恐怖威脅最糟糕的設想在“螺旋地帶”裏成為了現實。在可遇見的未來,一個名叫“黑寡婦”的邪惡組織在全球釋放了一種傳染性病菌,可以控製人類的思想。這種生物劑在全球以螺旋形式傳播,已經覆蓋了近半個地球。感染地區都被標示成螺旋地帶,感染的人類被稱為“地帶人”,是受到黑寡婦控製的無自主意識的奴隸。為了抗衡黑寡婦,一支被稱作“地帶騎士”的國際精英戰隊應運而生,由自由世界的各個國家組成。地帶騎士從世界各國軍隊的特種兵中選拔。依靠特別製裝甲以保護其不受細菌感染,地帶騎士的使命是要從和黑寡婦和他們的邪惡勢力作戰中,解救整個世界。
  • 孔雀公主1963[電影解說] 7.0 孔雀公主1963[電影解說]
    1963 電影解說
    簡介:  孔雀國的七公主喃麻喏娜有六個姐姐,一天,姐妹七人來到金湖裏洗澡嬉戲,恰好被板紮國王子召樹屯給撞個正著。召樹屯和喃麻喏娜一見鍾情,兩人很快就確定了婚期。板紮國的宰相麻哈仙是一個非常陰險狡詐野心勃勃的男人,一心想要謀權篡位的他希望能夠將自己的女兒嫁給召樹屯,可是喃麻喏娜的出現破壞了他的計劃。  在喃麻喏娜和召樹屯舉行婚禮的那一天,傳來了敵國入侵的消息,剛剛走出禮堂的召樹屯便穿上了戎裝趕赴戰場,留喃麻喏娜一人留在宮中。麻哈仙欺騙喃麻喏娜他的丈夫已經戰死沙場,同時,他在國內四處散步喃麻喏娜實為妖怪的傳言,惹得國王決定將她處死。


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