

類型: 恐怖
主演: 梅婷 郭京飛 吳超
導演: 安兵基




  恐怖小說作家小艾(梅婷 飾)因為擔心出獄的前夫齊崑(吳超 飾)要奪去心愛的兒子,帶著五歲的兒子小辛到好友亦南(郭京飛 飾)的鄉間別墅躲避,正好安心寫完她的新小說。  陪著媽媽寫作的小辛無趣之中隻好拿起畫筆,整日畫畫。很快,各種離奇事件在古老的別墅裏發生。小辛堅稱認識了一個住在別墅裏小女孩,這讓小艾大感詫異,因為別墅附近方圓幾公裏都沒有人;而創作陷入瓶頸的小艾在苦苦掙紮寫不出一個字的時候,大段的小說文字鬼使神差的出現在電腦裏,並且與小辛認識的神秘小女孩驚人相似。最終小辛的離奇失蹤,徹底把小艾推向了恐慌和崩潰的邊緣……


  • 夜幕降臨 1.0 夜幕降臨
    2022 恐怖
    簡介:  凱絲(薇諾娜·瑞德 飾)和她的男友來到了紅杉林中的一間偏遠小屋,發現那裏已經有一對年輕夫婦入住,很明顯,這間小屋已經被預定了。由於無處可去,他們決定與這些陌生人共享小屋。當她的男友和這個年輕的女人神秘地消失時,凱絲有些不解,她找到了一個幫手,決定要尋找出事情的原因,但事實遠比她想象的更詭異....
  • 疑神 10.0 疑神
    2022 恐怖
    簡介:  Will, a young Hispanic gay potter, is one gregarious guy. His boss is terrible, but he's got a great boyfriend and a great job. Unfortunately, behind that veneer is a dark past of violence and mental illness that he is desperate to keep hidden. When his bipolar mother comes out of the woodwork after ten years of silence, he begins exhibiting unexplainable symptoms. After an injury at work, he starts losing functioning of his arms, and something sinister lurks in the corner of his vision: a silent and ominous man in a wolf costume. Will spirals into an obsession, determined to solve this mystery of his own. What is going on with his arms? Can he trust his boyfriend? Is he becoming his mother?
  • 綁架女模特 8.0 綁架女模特
    2019 恐怖
    簡介:  Grace, an aspiring model, is thrilled to have fashion photographer Hunter Kelly help launch her career. But when the photo shoot becomes a kidnapping showing Hunter's true intentions to use Grace as his next "star" on a sexy website, Grace must find a way to escape before she becomes Hunter's next model murder victim.
  • 常跟你左右 1.0 常跟你左右
    2020 恐怖
    簡介:  “黑夜給了午夜在线小视频黑色的眼睛,午夜在线小视频應該去尋找光明”。一項劃時代的夢境實驗導致誌願者離奇殞命,來自唐人街的華裔犯罪心理學家白卓宇接手查找事實真相,發現夢境實驗研製出來的新藥存在缺陷。為了拯救被噩夢侵擾的人們,為了將正義付諸行動,白卓宇挺身而出,突破層層阻礙,最終將真相公之於眾,還社會一份安寧,為黑夜帶來了一道黎明的曙光。
  • 夢幻島 3.0 夢幻島
    2020 恐怖
    簡介:  邁克爾·佩納將主演電影版[夢幻島],飾演劇集版中裏卡多·蒙特爾班的角色。原劇包含黑暗主題及超自然元素,講述太平洋上坐落著一個神秘度假島嶼,人們的各種古怪要求似乎都可以在這裏得到滿足。本片由傑夫·瓦德洛([海扁王2])自編自導,故事講述島上的監工羅爾克警告客人們,他們的幻想可能無法實現。
  • 精神錯亂 2.0 精神錯亂
    2018 恐怖
    簡介:  A man recently released from a mental institute inherits a mansion after his parents die. After a series of disturbing events, he comes to believe it is haunted.


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