

類型: 歐美動漫
導演: Gun Ho Jang




  Heavenly Sword is a dramatic tale of revenge that sees Nariko (Anna Torv), a fiery red-haired heroine, embark on a quest for vengeance against the invading King Bohan (Alfred Molina) and his army. Once considered the failure of a legendary prophecy, Nariko must wield a sword that was ultimately meant for another. This ancient Heavenly Sword, once belonging to a powerful deity, can never be wielded by a mortal without it slowly and inevitably killing them. For Nariko, it is a race against time to avenge her clan before her life is irreparably overtaken by the omnipotent Heavenly Sword.


  • 斧子警察第二季 5.0 斧子警察第二季
    2015 歐美動漫
    簡介:  長笛警察說服斧頭警察帶他去執行他的第一次夜間任務——登月。
  • 魔發奇緣:劇集版第一季 6.0 魔發奇緣:劇集版第一季
    2017 歐美動漫
    簡介:  長發公主從大銀幕轉戰小熒屏,迪士尼宣布製作動畫劇集《長發公主》,故事承接影片結尾,長發公主與父母重逢後,拉上尤金、變色龍和駿馬麥克斯,探索世界,把被困高塔的時光統統找回來,時間線在番外篇二人結婚之前。電影配音紮克瑞·萊維和曼迪·摩爾已確認回歸,劇集2017年在迪士尼頻道播出。
  • 大神偷卡門第一季 9.0 大神偷卡門第一季
    2019 歐美動漫
    簡介:  卡門是現代的俠盜羅賓漢,她周遊全球,偷走國際惡聯偷來的東西,再還給失主。卡門被多數執法機關認定為罪犯 — 等等,應該說是犯罪大師,因為她的盜竊規模和戲劇般的犯罪風格。午夜在线小视频將追隨她的種種冒險,找到她的下落,並弄明白卡門·聖地亞哥究竟是誰?
  • 英雄聯盟:雙城之戰第一季 6.0 英雄聯盟:雙城之戰第一季
    2021 歐美動漫
    簡介:  本片作為英雄聯盟官方動畫劇集,講述的是在充滿蒸汽朋克氣息的烏托邦-皮爾特沃夫和由化學品驅動的地下城-祖安中,蔚和金克絲兩姐妹,她們在一場激烈的衝突後發現兩個人站在了彼此的對立麵。她們從此分開,走上不同的道路,朝著不同的命運終點走去,但心中的羈絆又無時不刻 地讓姐妹二人想要破鏡重圓
  • 奇奇與蒂蒂:救援突擊隊 9.0 奇奇與蒂蒂:救援突擊隊
    2022 歐美動漫
    簡介:  在《奇奇與蒂蒂:救援突擊隊》電視動畫結束30年後,奇奇成為了一個過著枯燥生活的保險業務員,蒂蒂則動了CGI手術讓自己變成時下的3D動畫造型,到處參加影迷活動回味著往日的輝煌;就在此時,針對動畫人物的綁架事件接二連三的發生,當受害者中出現昔日同伴的名字時,奇奇與蒂蒂闊別多年的聯手,試圖找出真相與挽回破裂多年的友情。
  • 小屁孩日記:羅德裏克規則 10.0 小屁孩日記:羅德裏克規則
    2022 歐美動漫
    簡介:  “Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Rodrick Rules,” is an all-new animated movie based on the second book in Jeff Kinney’s wildly popular book series. The original song from the film, “Can You Smell Us Now,” written and produced by Jon Levine, with lyrics by Jeff Kinney, and performed by Jimmy Tatro, is also available. Be sure to check everything out, and don’t forget to watch “Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Rodrick Rules” on December 2, 2022, when it premieres on Disney+.    The riotous antics of angst-ridden, disaster-prone middle school student Greg Heffley continue in “Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Rodrick Rules,” focusing this time around on his complicated relationship with older brother Rodrick. A spikey-haired high school student, Rodrick is lazy and undisciplined and spends way too much time practicing with his rock band, Löded Diper. While he loves to torment Greg, he ultimately has a deep affection for his younger brother. Directed by Luke Cormican (“Teen Titans Go!) and written and produced by Jeff Kinney, “Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Rodrick Rules” features the voices of Brady Noon (“The Mighty Ducks: Game Changers”), Ethan William Childress (“mixed-ish”), Edward Asner (“Up”), Chris Diamantopoulos (“Silicon Valley”), Erica Cerra (“Power Rangers”), and Hunter Dillon (“Deadpool 2”). “Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Rodrick Rules” features the original song, “Can You Smell Us Now,” written and produced by Jon Levine, with lyrics by Jeff Kinney, and performed by Jimmy Tatro.


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