

類型: 歐美動漫
主演: Tim Daly Powers Boothe
導演: Curt Geda




  製作公司:華納兄弟影片公司 [美國]  發行公司:華納家庭視頻公司 [美國]  超人越來越受群眾的愛戴,而老對手盧瑟也更加怨恨他了。為了打敗超人,盧瑟研究了一種新型武器,還特意注入一種特製的氪化合物,將Brainiac裝備得無堅不摧。因女友路易斯受傷,超人必須到神秘的幻影世界去尋找解藥。Brianiac以為超人將有去無回,於是背叛了盧瑟,開始隨心所 欲在城市裏到處肆虐,而超人必須趕在他毀滅地球之前阻止他。  打鬥很爽啊,不過超人似乎完全不在意戰鬥時對大都會造成的損害,恐怕有一半城市都被他們拆了...對Bruce Timm的DCAU係列來說,JLU才是它的終結,給了這個係列一個完滿的句號——或者說通向更多未盡戰鬥的省略號。而不是這部騙取了所有fans感情的所謂《Superma n: Brainiac Attacks》。在STAS完結近10年的時候,華納放棄JLU的DTV不做,特意出Superman,當然是司馬昭之心路人皆知的,百度影音擺明了是要搭超人5電影的車。由於要趕電影的檔極影影院期,這部片子的草率也就完全是情理之中了。隻可憐翹首以待的忠實fans們,他們對DCAU實在抱了無比的信心——而這部片就毫不留情的將他們的期待與信任,連同Bruce Timm十餘年來的苦心經營一舉粉碎。


  • 瓢蟲少女第一季 6.0 瓢蟲少女第一季
    2015 歐美動漫
    簡介:  劇情設置在現代巴黎,中法混血的Marinette Dupain-Cheng(瑪麗內特·杜平-程)是一個普通的中學女生,性格有些猶疑羞澀,夢想成為時裝設計師,暗戀同班的帥氣男生Adrien Agreste(阿德裏安·阿格裏斯特)。當有壞人威脅巴黎時,Marinette化身正義勇敢的英雄Ladybug(瓢蟲),搭檔愛調戲人的Chat Noir(黑貓),一起打擊邪惡勢力。但Marinette並不知道麵具下的Chat Noir正是她一直不敢表白的男生Adrien,而Adrien也不知道自己的暗戀對象Ladybug卻是Marinette。  Set in modern-day Paris, the series focuses on a teenage junior high school girl named Marinette Dupain-Cheng and her classmate and crush Adrien Agreste. When evil arises, Marinette becomes a superhero named Ladybug, while Adrien becomes Chat Noir/Cat Noir. Not knowing each other's true identity, the two work together to protect Paris from a villain named Hawk Moth who covets their powers.
  • 瓢蟲少女第二季 7.0 瓢蟲少女第二季
    2016 歐美動漫
    簡介:  By daylight, Marinette Dupain-Cheng and Adrien Agreste are ordinary teenagers. But unbeknownst to their family and friends, the two of them carry a huge secret...using the powers of magical creatures called Kwami, they transform into the superheroes Ladybug and Cat Noir! With a mission to protect the city of Paris from the evil Hawk Moth, the two of them must learn to cope with their new responsibilities, as well as ordinary troubles involving love, school, family, and friends. Most of all, they must learn to put their romantic feelings aside in order to perform their duty, unaware of each other's true identities.
  • 瓢蟲少女第三季 2.0 瓢蟲少女第三季
    2018 歐美動漫
    簡介:  With time, Marinette and Adrien ended up becoming friends. But the collège girl discovers that declaring her feelings for her friend is not so simple, in fact, it will be almost the opposite!  For Ladybug and Cat Noir, despite their new powers and teammates that they can call upon when the situation requires it, the fight with Hawk Moth becomes harder and harder. Their opponent is always stronger as long as he can call on Mayura, a villain who can create allies for the Akumatized, the supervillains.  More powers, more action, more villains, and more emotions! Season 3 will put Adrien and Marinette to the test: Will they be able to keep their secret and prevent their private life from interfering with their superhero adventures?
  • 瓢蟲少女第四季 3.0 瓢蟲少女第四季
    2020 歐美動漫
    簡介:  Not only is Marinette Ladybug, the superheroine that protects Paris from the attack of villains, but she’s also now the guardian of the Miraculous. This means that not only does she need to keep her identity hidden, but also the existence of these turbulent, magical creatures, the Kwamis! Marinette has a lot of pressure, not to mention her school and love life! Now she has less time and opportunities to tell Adrien her feelings...  Marinette now has to redouble efforts to protect her secrets and Ladybug will have to become stronger to face an indomitable adversary: Shadow Moth, who can now fuse the Butterfly and Peacock Miraculous! Thankfully, Ladybug can count on Cat Noir and their new superhero allies!
  • 死路尋死 2.0 死路尋死
    2012 歐美動漫
    簡介:  影片圍繞一組生活在黑暗中的問題兒童展開,他們都被一隻叫做拉比的會說話的神秘黑狗所指引,墜入不同時空的人間煉獄。在一個月食的夜晚,拉比告訴湯米他母親腹中的是一個魔鬼胎兒。另一邊廂,他又試圖幫助臉上長有畸形連體雙胞胎哥哥的麵具男孩拉爾夫追求一個鄰家女孩蘇菲,拉爾夫心中的女神蘇菲在家裏卻被父親強迫進行有顏色的錄像帶交易。而在一個廢棄的教堂裏,一個專門竊取別人記憶的怪人正在受無限循環地獄的折磨。。。
  • 憨豆先生卡通版第三季 1.0 憨豆先生卡通版第三季
    2004 歐美動漫
    簡介:  《憨豆先生》(英語:Mr. Bean)是一部由老虎電視公司(英語:Tiger Aspect Productions)、Richard Purdum Productions、Varga Holdings(英語:Varga Holdings)和鮮於娛樂(英語:Sunwoo Entertainment)(前三季)聯合製作的英國電視動畫影集。該動畫是基於李察·寇蒂斯和羅溫·艾金森在1990-1995年製作的同名英國真人電視情景喜劇;該係列於2001年2月正式宣布,此後不久便首映。


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