

類型: 電影解說
導演: Joe Galliani




  Street Sharks is an American animated television series about crime-fighting half-man/half-sharks similar to the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. It was produced by DIC Entertainment from 1994 to 1995. Later in 1996 the Street Sharks teamed up with the Dino Vengers (an early and vastly different-in-origin incarnation of the Extreme Dinosaurs) and the show became Street Sharks and the Dino Vengers. Like a number of children's cartoons, it was created to promote an existing Mattel toy line of the same name[1], created by toy maven David Siegel and writer/creative director, Joe Galliani of Mr. Joe's Really Big Productions[2].  In the first episode, a university professor named Dr. Paradigm tested his gene-manipulation techniques on a marlin and a lobster. Dr. Bolton, a fellow professor, attempted to destroy Paradigm's research, and was transformed into an inhuman monstrosity by the evil scientist before escaping. Paradigm later kidnapped Bolton's four sons — John, Bobby, Coop, and Clint — to transform them into sharks. As soon as they transformed, the four brothers ate a hotdog stand, and fled from the police by diving into a lake and burrowing their way into the city by eating the dirt. The brothers planned to capture Paradigm so that they could force him to return them to their human selves and expose Paradigm's genetic experiments.  In subsequent episodes, Paradigm began to convince the residents of Fission City that the Street Sharks (as they became known) were vicious, deadly killers who were mutated by their father, Dr. Bolton. The brothers teamed up every episode to stop Paradigm and his deadly Seaviates from transforming the citizens of Fission City into mutants with no free will.  One of the characters' favorite catchphrases was "Jawsome", and their favorite food consists of hamburgers and french fries (although they're capable of eating just about anything - even if it's not food). The brothers have also expressed an obvious and very vocal dislike for pizza, an indirect acknowledgement toward the Ninja Turtles, whose image is well-known for being built around pizza.


  • 美國鼠譚2:西部曆險記[電影解說] 8.0 美國鼠譚2:西部曆險記[電影解說]
    1991 電影解說
    簡介:  Some time after the Mousekewitz's have settled in America, they find that they are still having problems with the threat of cats. That makes them eager to try another home out in the west, where they are promised that mice and cats live in peace. Unfortunately, the one making this claim is an oily con artist named Cat R. Waul who is intent on his own sinister plan. Unaware of this, the Mousekewitz's begin their journey west, while their true cat friend, Tiger, follows intent on following his girlfriend gone in the same direction.
  • 美國鼠譚[電影解說] 1.0 美國鼠譚[電影解說]
    1986 電影解說
    簡介:  《美國鼠譚》(An American Tail)又譯為《老鼠也移民》,是1986年由美國環球影業公司製作發行的動畫喜劇電影作品。影片描述的是關於老鼠家庭移弗民荒的故事。老鼠Fievel,在從沙皇俄國移民到美國的途中跟家人失散,於是它開始漫長的孤獨旅程,為了尋找家人而四處闖蕩,在紐約遭遇層出不窮的趣事和挑戰。經過種種磨難,結果成為當地英雄,並因此得以和家人團聚。導演唐·布魯斯(Don Bluth),監製史蒂文·斯皮爾伯格。本片動畫製作精致,故事溫馨感人,很有獨創性和想象力。
  • 亂馬1/2[電影解說] 3.0 亂馬1/2[電影解說]
    1989 電影解說
    簡介:  天道茜(日高法子 配音)和姐姐天道美(高山南 配音)、天道霞(井上喜久子 配音)以及父親天道早雲(大林隆介 配音)一起經營著屬於他們的道場,一天,早乙女亂馬(山口勝平 配音)和其父玄馬(緒方賢一 配音)的到來打破了道場平靜的生活。原來,和父親在中國修煉的時候,亂馬掉入了溺女泉,於是擁有了一碰冷水就會變身成女人的體質。在莫名其妙中,早雲居然將小茜許配給了亂馬,這讓個性要強的小茜不能接受。  亂馬就讀了當地的風林館高中,在學校裏,他遇見了諸多有趣的朋友和強大的對手,在每日打打鬧鬧的生活上,小茜和亂馬之間的感情也產生了微妙的變化。
  • 克裏蒂,童話的小屋[電影解說] 3.0 克裏蒂,童話的小屋[電影解說]
    2009 電影解說
    簡介:  納塔將滿7歲,卻一直不能識字。他對姑媽遺留給他的藏書失望不已。直到夜晚降臨,書中的人物紛紛現身,告知納塔他們麵臨永遠消失的危險。於是納塔投身於一場冒險,來拯救他的朋友和他們的故事。他來得及讀出拯救他們的咒語嗎?
  • 紅辣椒2006[電影解說] 6.0 紅辣椒2006[電影解說]
    2006 電影解說
    簡介:  近未來,為了治療現代人類越來越多、越來越嚴重的精神疾病,位於東京的精神醫療綜合研究所開發出一種可以反映他人夢境的機器。通過微型DC的幫助,夢境在顯示器上呈現出來,更方便找到一個人焦慮的症結。  某日,三台微型DC失竊,與之相關的研究人員的夢境接連被人侵入,隨後受到嚴重傷害。美女醫療師千葉敦子另一個身份是夢境偵探“紅辣椒”,她能夠與患者同步體驗夢境。為避免盜賊利用微型DC進一步作惡,她不得不潛入受害者的夢中尋找恐怖分子,一場充滿奇幻和驚險的爭鬥旋即展開……  本片入圍2006年威尼斯電影節主競賽單元,榮獲2007年葡萄牙奇幻電影節影評人選擇獎、2006年蒙特利爾電影節大眾選擇獎。
  • 秋葉原冥途戰爭Akiba Maid War[電影解說] 5.0 秋葉原冥途戰爭Akiba Maid War[電影解說]
    秋葉原冥途戰爭Akiba Maid War[電影解說]
    2022 電影解說
    簡介:  憧憬成為可愛女仆的少女和平和美,為追逐夢想來到了競爭激烈的秋葉原,她會遇到怎樣的人和事呢?這是Cygames×P.A.WORKS獻上的,關於“萌與暴力”的故事。一起萌萌心動吧!


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